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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The only reason Clinton won was because Perot was in the race. Cling to your pathetic shreds of data that you use to pat your bruised soul like a wet washcloth would a sunburned face. None of the Clintons have any dignity. They lost it on the top of a blue dress and Huma's lips.
  2. That's very true and your take on how they would take it is spot on. Thank God he didn't accuse the Dems of being niggardly.
  3. Bill Clinton got a whopping 43% in 1992, and he was our President. Bill Clinton improved to a huge 49% in 1996, and he was still our President. Bill Clinton was a minority president. He NEVER won a majority of the popular vote, but he was our President for eight years. So suck it up PastaJoe and live with it.
  4. Exactly. Libs/Progs intentions are always "good", and they just know so much better how things should be. In fact, they can't stop telling everyone exactly how they should go about living their lives, all the while doing whatever they damn well please. Did you hear that Leonardo DiCaprio flew an "Eyebrow Artist" 7,500 miles to do his brows for the Oscars? Some really, really deep environmental concern on display there, I must say. But he and Al, and Barbara can do whatever they want because they purchase "carbon credits". I have to agree with Savage a bit on this... "liberalism is a mental disorder."
  5. At least he's presenting a budget. B. O. didn't do that for the first six years of his regime.
  6. I wonder what magnificent works the great exalted guitar player has done on behalf of Native Americans, Hispanics, Japanese, Koreans, Indians, Pakistanis and other ethnic groups and "races". Last I knew we're one race - the human race. But he's focused on those of African extraction. Hmmm.
  7. Common man. How could you ever characterize a movie with Steve Buscemi getting ground up in a wood chipper as a "clown show".
  8. He was very entertaining and believable on screen. RIP.
  9. Mead, I feel your pain(s). We're under contract to sell our house now and we're moving to the Cape in April. We did a lot of what you mentioned a few years ago - resurfaced driveway, put in bluestone walk, widened the apron, and lots of things to the inside of the house. The last thing was having the basement waterproofed. $$$ Ugh! I always mowed my lawn & leaves, and wifey and I took care of the all the very sizable gardens. It's a ton of work. We'd typically spend a half day each weekend mowing, trimming, picking up debris, etc. There were no gardens or trees on our property when we bought it nearly 25 years ago, and we overdid it. The worst blunder was putting a bull bay magnolia tree close to the house. I call it the "never again" tree. It's a deciduous evergreen tree and it drops it's leaves in the summer along with the large flower petals, and then the center cones fall in the autumn and winter. It can take an hour to pick up a weeks worth of its droppings. Note to self: NEVER put one of those in a location that you have to maintain. Our neighbor did that. Of course he put his on the edge of his property and mine. The house we're building has a much smaller yard. I'm going to get an electric battery operated push mower.
  10. Well, here's another Volcano story a little closer to home. The US has 169 volcanos! Hoo new? (of course DC Tom did, but hoo else?)
  11. Oh goodie! Trump's going to annex Mexico. Boarders? Boarders? We don't need no steenking boarder now.
  12. How outraged were they that Bill Clinton got blow jobs and hummers in the Oval Office? Hmmm? (pun intended) I can't recall their outrage at that. Oh yes. I do. I remember Schmucky Schumer being outraged that his young daughter asked him, "Daddy, what is 'oral sex'?" He told her that it's when "people talk about sex". What a prince.
  13. There's a lot of seismic activity going on now in the Mediterranean area. There's a caldera outside Naples that is heaving. Mt Etna story
  14. Leonardo DiCaprio few an eyebrow artist 7,500 miles TO DO HIS EYEBROWS FOR THE OSCARS!
  15. Ah! The Affordable Gun Ownership Act. I'm all for it. Make gun ownership mandatory for everyone over the age of 21. If they can't prove they own at least one firearm - then the IRS will fine them with a tax on their returns. Think of it kinda like Obamacare - you know - if you like your gun you can keep your gun.
  16. I hope Congress passes a law mandating firearm safety classes in all Junior and Senior High Schools - both public and private.
  17. Well now that Shady's off the roster, resigning Freddy seems to be the right thing to do.
  18. You've got to be joking. He got the position over Ellis because he was backed by the Diem establishment: B.O. and the Clintons. He's not going to bite the hand that fed him copious amounts of political power.
  19. From the link: Sweden... you've got a problem. "Prosecutors launched an inquiry, suggesting he had incited racial hatred, but later dropped the charges." "He wrote: 'Here we go; this I've handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment. 'Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.'"
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