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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The Japanese Army The North Korean Army The South Korean Army The Indian Army The Iranian Army The Saudi Army ISIS The Swiss Boko Haram Somali Salvation Democratic Front, Somali National Front, Somali National Movement There are many, many others too numerous to mention. So why stop at institutions? The Chinese are racist The Japanese are racist The Indians are racist Dark skinned Africans are looked down upon by light skinned Americans of African descent (that's a biggie folks) !@#$, the only people who weren't racist were the Aztecs and Hawaiians, and look where that got them.
  2. Are you kidding? He manufactured it. In another vein, I was driving my son's car and listening to the AM radio which only gets one channel - WOR 710 outta NYC and listened a bit on a drive to Rush Limbaugh! Hah! Hadn't heard him in years. Anyway, he was saying that Valerie Jarrett moved in with the Obamas in their new DC digs. And he asked why would she do that? He posits it's to run the shadow government to destabilize, delegitimize, and torment the Trump administration at every turn with every means possible. It was an innarestin' take, I must confess.
  3. Most elections have a foreign policy component. The Russians "hacking" was media hysteria. There was no hacking. We've interfered in more foreign elections and governments than just about anybody. How about this hot story: Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit "Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy. “On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.” Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.” Kennedy made Andropov a couple of specific offers." More at the link on what the specific offers by Kennedy were. Decide for yourself if those were worse than what's gone on this cycle. Maybe the Dems have this on their minds and think Trump did a similar thing. The Dems running around now like McCarthy did in the 50s. I look for their calls soon to reinstate the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities.
  4. DING DING DING!!! Winner winner chicken dinner! I get the feeling the next few months are going to be messy.
  5. There goes the neighborhood. Welcome aboard. Seems like a shabby thing for BB.com to do to its regulars. I would never own an Facebook account.
  6. Whoa! Welcome back! Hello, my name is Nanker. I'm an alcoholic and a Bills fan. But I repeat myself. What was the question?
  7. That's got to be a progressive husband's dilemma right there.
  8. And its caption should be, "Biden 2020. Come sit on my lap."
  9. When do we investigate Senator Schumer for his behind the scenes dealing on Obama's Iran nuclear deal? And what about these 30 Democrats who met with Russian diplomats in 2015? Resign? Impeach? Stone them? You're absolutely incorrect. He did not lie.
  10. That addition to his title will be bestowed on his noggin' on the first Wednesday in November of 2020. Until then, it's just lame.
  11. Family values are strong in that line.
  12. Transcript of the private meeting in Sessions' office with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak "Welcome Mr. Ambassador, come in. May I call you Sergey? "Yes, yes of course Mr. Attorney General... oh, excuse me. I meant, Senator Sessions. May I call you Jeff? "Absolutely! Why with our new arrangement to steal the election from the Democrats, we can dispense with those fussy formalities." "Great comrade Jeff. Have you seen the results of the election yet?" "Why Sergey, that would be impossible. The election hasn't happened yet." "Ha ha ha ha. Good one Jeff. We've managed to stuff the ballot boxes in all 50 states. But we've had a problem in the state of California." "Problem? What Problem Sergey? We were assured that there would be no problems with your stuffing ballots for President Trump. Ah, I mean Candidate Trump." "Well it seems we had a new team focused on the California vote and whereas they did stuff the ballot boxes, they inadvertently stuffed them for Mr. Trump's competitor Secretary Clinton." "What? Why Sergey, will that affect the overall outcome?" "Not one bit, Jeff. Be assured that the electoral college will vote with a sizable majority for Mr. Trump. We calculate his votes to be in excess of 300." "Splendid. I feel better now. Say, would you like a vodka? Please excuse my manners, I should have started our meeting with that." "Not at all Jeff. Sometimes it's better to hear the news first before one gets drunk." They proceed to down a full handle of Belvedere and the Ambassador gets up to leave. "Very nice meeting you Sergey. Although I must say I'm so tipsy I might not remember any of this tomorrow." "Not to worry Jeff. The election is in the bag. In the bag. And don't forget to tell Mr. Trump that we'll take the rooms in Mara Lago for the month of September." "Will do Sergey. Will do." [/nytimesfromanonymoussources]
  13. From the Right Wing Fanatical AltFacts New York Times "the Justice Department acknowledged on Wednesday that Mr. Sessions had twice communicated with the Russian ambassador last year. The first time was in July, at the Republican National Convention, after he gave a speech at an event for ambassadors sponsored by the Heritage Foundation. Of the Heritage Foundation encounter, a Justice Department official said the Russian ambassador was among a small group of diplomats who approached Mr. Sessions as he was leaving the stage. The ambassadors, the official said, thanked Mr. Sessions for his remarks and invited him to join them at various events they were sponsoring, but he made no commitments to do so. Of the office visit, the official said, the discussion focused on relations between the United States and Russia and issues the two countries were facing, although the department left open the possibility that there had been “superficial” comments about news related to the election." OMG!!!!!!! The Russians were there!!!!!!!! Shades of Joe McCarthy Batman!!!!!
  14. I know! I know! Thirteen. Recipients get one a month. How'd I do?
  15. You're late to the party meatball. You gotta get up pretty early in the morning if you're gonna try to scoop the great PastaGiussepi !
  16. Yep. I tried testing the coriolis effect on my hotel room's sink. Took a few videos of it. Very inconclusive results - it swirled in both directions at different times. No, not really. I thought so too and had to test it in the sink. My Siri's voice is a British man's.
  17. And not to mention he'll be looking at a second four year term. She'd be facing potentially eight years and would be 80 at the end of it. Of course the Dems and MSM will be calling him a lame duck the minute the election is over.
  18. Nkechi Diallo. Hmmm. That's Swahili for Stupid White B word, isn't it.
  19. Putin the omniscient! Putin the all powerful! Putin the all knowing! Putin the all smelly!
  20. I'm genuinely unhappy that Ellison wasn't selected. It would have been an epic moment to see Alan Dershowitz leave the Democrat party.
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