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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. But, but, but... It was Obama doing it, and his reasons were pure... pure like the driven snow.
  2. Well, that is their mindset. The world seen as is, in normal space and time, is not to be believed. It must be manufactured into an manipulated state that provides a fresh, new, look that comports with their mental constructs of how the world should be. In other words, they're fu king idiots.
  3. I too think getting many Democrats to sign on to this will be a near impossible task. They're in a hypnotic trance right now having supped the bitter elixir of Hillary's election defeat. They're marching like the living dead inexorably attacking anything that doesn't exude the same acrid stench that their rotting flesh imparts.
  4. I'm calling bullshite on this one. They play Quiddich at Hogwarts, not American Foosball.
  5. The Constitutionality of the first ban has not been decided. Stop lying.
  6. Oh no! You didn't! Woo-hoo! An update! Common B-Man stop obfuscating. Hillary was tipped off by the B. O. Whitehouse about this. Guess when? Right, just after Bill met Sweet Loretta Modern on the tarmac to discuss their grandchildren.
  7. Obfuscation! Obfuscation, Tom. Obfuscation! Those can't be true. B. O. is such a nice and gentle man. He can dance too.
  8. Don't mind Boyst at all. He just wants to get friendly with ya so he can sell you some of his meat.
  9. Now it sounds like they bugged Sessions last year when he was still a Senator. Classy, those Dems. Real classy. And Nixon supposedly approved a break-in at the DNC headquarter at the Watergate complex so they could put bugs in their phones. It's déjà vu all over again Yogi.
  10. NO. Pray tell whadda he say? Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! I kid. WGAF? Twitter is for twats.
  11. Yeah, there are a few real beauts in the tidal wave that hit here. "Loved" the post by one of the hosers that bitched about the time stamp being off on his post. Like he paid for something he didn't get.
  12. Yes. The left went crazy and orange juice futures plummeted.
  13. Sure, but we do get Jimmy Spagnola threads on Jests game weeks. Spags drops in to say hi and ta set da rekord strait for youse 'n urine. The best thing about TBD is that it's here. We all owe Scott a debt of gratitude. It's a great site.
  14. Pics from HoF Watkin's link above. Hard to say which is my favorite pic of Hillary and her supporters. 1, the mad bomber and Jew hater 2. The Orlando Muslim Gay Nightclub Killer's father... 3. Her mentor and close friend and KKK Grand Dragon, Senator Byrd. We all know what would happen if Trump had photos taken with these three slime balls.
  15. The millennials could be the death of the Democrat party.
  16. It most certainly is. I used to work with a lot of minorities and one of them was a "wrong color guy". He was an African American albino. One of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. The brothers told me all kinds of **** about black on blacker racism.
  17. Tell us Joe, do you support Muslim's right to kill apostates to Islam? Do you support their religious belief to beat their wives? Do you support their religious belief to have multiple wives? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have more people like that in our country so we can celebrate our diversity?
  18. I dunno man. The flood of TSW Refugee Problem Children could be heavy recipients of it too.
  19. Actually, I think the founding fathers had it right. Only land owners should have a vote.
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