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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Absolutely! The Seventh Circle of Secret Initiates only. No others need apply.
  2. Post count envy. It's a small, meaningless shred, but victims everywhere cling to less. Love the leap from here's a Muslim school teaching kids to kill to YOU HATE EVERY !@#$ING MUSLIM... YOU'RE AN ****!
  3. The right should give them a taste of their own medicine. e.g., when referring to liberal icons, add a descriptor like Former Prostitute Maya Angelou, or Disgraced Former Journalist Dan Rather, or Reprobate Womanizer Former President Bill Clinton, Deep Chakra Driven Former VP Algore or Inarticulate, Leftist Zealot Nancy Pelosi, or Leader of the Obstructionist Block of Left Wing Senate Democrats Chuck Schumer.
  4. It was on at the sushi restaurant we went to last Friday. No one was watching. No one was listening. The Chicken Noodle Network is vapid.
  5. February's job report shows more jobs created that month than in any month in the last year. Trump's doing a really bad job.
  6. Might qualify him for refugee status. We're a tough crowd.
  7. Yes. But everyone has to be absolutely, positively, 100% certain for a fact before any other business of the government can proceed. I wonder what this witch hunt is costing the taxpayers. That's a lot of government assets being used on this one issue.
  8. I think the leak spoke about Samsung Smart TVs in particular. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4290926/British-spies-linked-CIA-WikiLeaks-reveals.html http://www.cbsnews.com/news/is-your-tv-spying-on-you-wikileaks-alleges-everyday-gadgets-were-used-to-snoop/ How to Turn it off.
  9. Doc, if you were paying attention during the past twelve years at least, most Republicans were in favor of Health Care insurance reform which included providing services for people with preexisting conditions. It's not a Dem/Rep issue. It's not.
  10. And Assange is in 'prison' in Moscow because he's afraid for his life if he leaves. Who in the IC is in such fear of being outed? Besides, the person who leaked the DNC data was shot dead on the streets of the District at 4 in the morning, wearing no shoes. Careful when you back fascism.
  11. How was Flynn's conversation overheard? He was calling his Russian Handler from inside Trump Tower. How is it that the intercept of that conversation was made public and his name was not shielded? Why was he - a private citizen not afforded that protection under the law? That's a felony. Someone should go to jail. Scooter Libby did. Were there spies in the room, bugs in the walls? A lip reader watching him closely from across the street? Who gave the transcript to the WaPo?
  12. Not to mention Malaysian Air two flights to the ocean's bottom. My bad. Only one went into the deep blue sea. The Rooskies took care of the other one... maybe because Trump suggested they do that.
  13. Hillary is living in Chappaqua and wanders in the woods. She and Bill lost millions as well as the White House. She is an epic loser.
  14. Who tapped Flynn's phone? He was at Trump Tower in NYC when it happened. http://youtu.be/MQU_cxhR9O0
  15. Will they be wearing their "virtuous" costumes again?
  16. So PastaPot, what's your take on George W Bush now? You hated him during B. O.'s regime and remember - everything was W's fault. Everything.
  17. They are irrelevant now and marching steadfastly toward obscurity and oblivion. Forward progressives! Forward!
  18. Pretty gutless thing to say citing "the actor's friend's father". Well, I heard from my second cousin's husband's nephew who was in a barber shop one time who swears he heard one of the customers say that they saw Don Cheadle smoking crack.
  19. If this is how our "professional" spies behave, no wonder we went to war with Iraq for WMD. They sound worse than the Keystone Cops. NYTs gets leaked "information" on Trump and the Russian "connections" through electronic surveillance during the campaign and publishes that "fact." Media goes batshite crazy about Trump and Russia. Trump says he's been under electronic surveillance by the B. O. regime. Media goes batshite crazy denying any such thing ever happened. What if there was no surveillance at all, other than him being watched by gumshoes? What if they "information" leaked by these "professionals" is little more than gossip, rumor, and innuendo? Is this how they do things at the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc? B. O. in his last month in office signed an order allowing all of the disparate arms of the IC to freely share "information" with each other. It's not a stretch at all to think that a couple of years worth of water cooler talk and scandalous salacious political stories got circulated around and then shared with their favorite media contacts who then carried the incompetent IC's water for them by making it public.
  20. Pay not attention to him. He's a... well, he's a Drunkard.
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