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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We should let Japan get nukes. They might need them before anyone else does.
  2. Get ready for the costumes. Oh the costumes! And they call Trump a clown. These protestors should get jobs with Ringling Brothers... but I hear they're going out of business soon. Hope the protestors are too.
  3. Thanks. Absolutely. Most of the teams that drafted very few QBs have or had a franchise QB during that period. Todd Collins J.P. - yes, that JP Trent Edwards Levi Brown EJ Cardale
  4. Just send their Grand Poobah Kim a new Hyundai Genesis and a few porn mags. That's what he wants.
  5. Since 1992 300 QBs have been drafted into the NFL. The team average for drafting QBs is a little over 9. The average number of games played by all 300 QBs is about 46. The Bills have drafted 6 QBs in that time, as have Tennessee, and Indy. Dallas has the lowest number drafted – 4. Jacksonville, Miami, NO, and Raiders each drafted 7. A few others drafted 8 or 9. Green Bay and the JESTS drafted the most – 14, and Denver, Washington 13 each.
  6. He wants to become the Secretary General of the U.N.
  7. You musta missed this, meatball. It's NSFW. NSFW, NSFW, NSFW
  8. No wonder he hasn't got the country going again yet. He hasn't appointed any Czars! Here's a list of Obama’s Czars Jeffrey Zients “Performance Czar”, “Healthare.gov Czar”, and “Economics Czar” Van Jones “Green Jobs Czar” Mark Lloyd “Diversity Czar” Steven Rattner “Car Czar” Melissa Hathaway “Cyber Czar” Dennis Blair “Intelligence Czar” Cass Sunstein “Regulatory Czar” Kevin Jennings “Safe Schools Czar” Alan Bersin “Border Czar” John Holdren “Science Czar” Todd Stern “Climate Czar” Carol Browner “Energy Czar” Richard Holbrooke “Afghanistan-Pakistan Czar” Kenneth Feinberg “Pay Czar” Nancy-Anne DeParle “Health Czar” John Brennan “Homeland Security Czar” (“Drones Czar”) Jeffrey Crowley “AIDS Czar” Ron Bloom “Manufacturing Czar” Ashton Carter “Weapons Czar” Gary Samore “WMD Czar” Daivd Hayes “California Water Czar” John Goss (EiI) “Asian Carp Czar ” Cameron Davis “Great Lakes Czar” Viveka Kundra “Information Czar” Aneesh Chopra “Technology Czar” Ed Montgomery “Auto Recover Czar” R. Gil Kerlikowske “Drug Czar” Lynn Rosenthal “Domestic Violence Czar” Adolfo Carrion “Urban Affairs Czar” Daniel Fried “Gitmo Czar” Early Devaney “Stimulus Accountability Czar” Dennis Ross “Iran Czar” George Mitchell “Mideast Czar” Man, Trump's gotta get moving to catch up to B.O.
  9. Of course not. Or should that be of coarse knot? Don't ya get it man? A Supreme Court Justice is like a superhero. They're invincible and have super powers. They're all that stands in the way to protect us from all of the harm in the world. Like pollution, and low wages, and people trying to take away our free stuff, and making us pay back our student loans.
  10. What a bunch of hooey. It snowed here about 8" and it's been cold as heck for the past week. I don't believe in globalclimatewarmingchange any more. Had to get the snow blower out to clear out my driveway!
  11. Shows they've at least some of their priorities in the right order.
  12. He replaced "the old Ranger," brought to you by 20 Mule Team Borax.
  13. No, it is. Thank you. You're spot on with those ideas, and that's a lot of what the Republicans had been advocating for pre B.O.care. Ben Carson ran on much of that.
  14. I can just see the other unions getting in the queue to plead their case of "worthiness" to be exempt also. Police Officers Firemen EMTs Doctors Nurses Bus drivers Train engineers Truck drivers
  15. Shirley, you can't be Sirius. It's the magnitude of the problem there that's significant you dunderhead. Over 500 blacks being violently murdered each year for the past decade and you wonder why it "sticks in people's craw"?
  16. This is very true. But the pricing is tied to insurance - NOT healthcare insurance, but the more litigious kind - Workmen's Comp and Automobile and Liability insurances. That's why you're always asked if your condition you present with at your Dr.'s office is a worker's comp or the result of an accident. If so, they bill bust out retail for their services. If not, there's a pas de deux that the insurance company and the Dr.'s office workers do. A lower bill is submitted to the carrier, they "negotiate" a "discount" for the services, and a lower fee results - with the patient being left to pick up what the insurance carrier doesn't.
  17. Well, some of us could see right through them, so I guess they were in a sense "transparent".
  18. Yep. Probably because what they already had was less than what they could get under B.O.Care, but they just wanted to show the little people that they would suffer with their current plan.
  19. If 14 million are projected to drop off the healthcare coverage rolls because the mandate to have healthcare coverage is dropped, what's the big deal? If it's so great, they'll buy a policy.
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