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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Exactly. And unmasking the names and then spreading it around will have consequences. Remember Scooter! He went to jail on lot less grievous charges.
  2. Sending him a reset button? Serious question. Why would the most powerful man in the world be antagonistic against probably the second most powerful man in the world. Gee a mere four years ago people were mocked by people like you for saying that Russia was our chief adversary. Hillary's slush fund made deals with the Rooskies that netted them 20% of the USA's uranium production. He husband got $500,000.00 for a speaking engagement in Russia. That's twice his usual fee. Why would they do that and what makes them so damned bad? So far with the investigation, about the only person who never met with the Russians is Trump himself. 20 Senators did, and B. O. set up the meetings.
  3. Well, look who's saying some people in the Obama administration could be facing jail time. "He said it isn't Trump's assertion, without proof, that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower that is of concern, but rather that intelligence officials named the Americans being discussed in intercepted communications. "You can learn all kinds of things from diplomats gossiping, because that's what occurs. Under the rules, and they are pretty strict, it's called minimization. You don't name the American person who is being discussed," Woodward said. He noted that there are about 20 people in the intelligence community who, for intelligence reasons, can order this "minimization" be removed. "But the idea that there was intelligence value here is really thin," Woodward said. "It's, again, down the middle, it is not what Trump said, but this could be criminal on the part of people who decided, oh, let's name these people."
  4. Not according to the rules. But I think Snafu is takin' a little break. I can't hang much longer right now either.
  5. A "pledge to crack down on corporate climate fraud."
  6. Quarter 2. Frankly, I'd like to skip to Q4, but you know... rules. So to be obsolete or out dated might mean different things to different people. No one has ever out dated Madonna, or Pamela Anderson for that matter. It's why they don't put a date on sour cream. No one is expecting it to go "good". But I digress... slightly. There was no intent of planned obsolescence to the EC that can be found in the Constitution. To instead, let the popular vote rule would lead to a large amount of the country's population having the issues that are of concern to them be effectively ignored as money and the candidates would pour into only the largest eight or nine states.
  7. Quite. The Electoral College is a sacrosanct product of the Age of Enlightenment. It provides balance to the bicameral form of government that is found in the Legislature. Whereas the Senate allows two Senators to each state, and the House are given seats based on the population of each state, the EC defends our Republic from the possibility of regionalism slanting a Presidential election in such a way as to effectively disenfranchise less densely populated states.
  8. I did not choose this. It was chosen for me. Ye shall direct thy speech at the personage of Mister Rhino, Deranged... Master and Keeper of "My Mom's Basement Region".
  9. If they don't vote or it doesn't pass the Dems still own the abortion. Congrats!
  10. This is a fantastic idea. We should hire 201,043 more coaches too!
  11. Love how Nunes went running to the White House like a little girl. Maybe more like Tootie.
  12. Try The Sun instead. I hear that's quite reputable.
  13. Now that's a professional terrorist. Thank heavens they didn't call him a Wog.
  14. So you mean to say that she's perfectly qualified to get this Nobel Prize, er, ah, "lifetime achievement award" from the Leftist press.
  15. Yep. If Scooter Libby went to jail, a lot of Dems are going to join him in orange jumpsuits.
  16. The Left would call for impeachment, without a doubt.
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