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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I'm thinking of switching from Pinnacle to Stolynichnaya
  2. If you read the link it's to a story that NS wouldn't allow a license plate that says "Grabher" From \GBID/ post, sounds like that's the guy's name.
  3. Yep. And the markets are going to have a correction right now.
  4. New drapes. A fresh coat of paint and a few new wall hangings. What other changes to the front office does anyone expect?
  5. Perhaps meatball could start here and then begin to understand wth is going on here.
  6. no that was birdbrain1960 the doc that wouldn't capitalize. he operated on the shah's spleen. then he helped his uncle jack off a horse.
  7. Agreed. There is a need. There are the means. There needs to be a bipartisan solution.
  8. Pretty much this. Sully's track record for the past 17 years mirrors that of The Bills. Al Davis said it best. "Just win baby!"
  9. I'd swap Garland for RBG in a heartbeat. Speaking of heartbeats, how many does she have left?
  10. Well, if it's a 3 Quarter game, then I want to use my material prepared for Q4. Somehow that reminded me of this: Sweet Jeepers meazza, you were sworn to secrecy about that. Friggin' leaker! Oh, sweetcakes you sure are purdy and every day you get purdier. That was part of Q1, not Q2. Foul! Illegal use of the Instant Replay. In summary, be careful of what you wish for. You just might not like the slippery slope of unintended consequences!
  11. Not sure where it stands. I know. It's a bit taxing to keep things going. I'm no Boyst.
  12. Earth to Joe Spaghetti: His Presidency just started. Something that Hillary's never will.
  13. Yes. He most certainly is. I look forward anxiously to the NYT articles about the Obama girls and how they are having such a hard time adjusting to life in their Ivy League schools as they pursue degrees in feminine entrapment in western civilization.
  14. He is, but I don't think he will. There might be a few Dem Senators from the Rockies that could vote for him, but there won't be 10. IMHO
  15. Two large differences in the approach the Dems took eight years ago Vs. the Repubs this time. The Dems took a full year to craft their backroom abortion. The Repubs took about a month. The Dems had a filibuster proof majority in Congress and Senate. The Repubs don't.
  16. After an extensive halftime... 2nd Half Kickoff begins. Quarter 3 The Constitution describes our representative form of government. The US is not a democracy. It is a democratic republic. The three branches are each put in power through different means. Congressional Representatives by direct vote of the people. Senator initially were appointed by their various state legislatures to the position as representatives of their state and accountable to their legislatures. Senators are now elected to office by direct vote. The Supremes are appointed by the POTUS and allowed to assume office once the Senate confirms them. Potus is not elected directly by the people. In fact, it wasn't until 1824 when eighteen states allowed their electoral votes to be chosen by popular election. John Q. Adams lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson, but Jackson had fewer EC votes. Jackson was pizzed because he lost by one vote to Adams, so pizzed in fact that he started, yep - The Democrat Party. R. B. Hayes defeated Tilden, and Ben Harrison defeated Grover Cleveland but both of them lost the popular vote to their rival. So Bush and Trump are not the only US Presidents to lose the popular vote yet win the Presidency. Lincoln won less than 40% of the popular vote in 1860. "So why is it, you might ask, that I'm not up by 50 points" that we don't elect the President directly by the popular vote. The answer in this matter is that the Constitution is designed to buffer the effects of regionalism. Various issues can emotionally sway the populations of the country in any given election cycle. We see that the gross violation of our immigration laws and Trump's response to it gave rise to a huge popular vote by Mexican Americans and liberals in California. He lost the popular vote by 3,mm in California and overall. To use the popular vote to directly elect the POTUS would in effect be giving the state of California undue influence in the outcome - based on the nation's overall population. It would be effectively ballot box stuffing.
  17. I'm considering voting for DC Tom. Sorry. I'm going away from the Intarwebs for much of today. Halftime will be a bit longer than expected.
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