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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I think Nelson DeMille could write a whole new series of books about this. I consider it a possibility that Trump wanted to forcefully break out of the binary choice that Putin and Assad were marching the world toward. They were fighting the rebels more than they were ISIS in order to get rid of those elements that want to remove Assad from power. Once they eliminated them, the remaining "simple" choice would have been: You want Assad or you want ISIS. Back us now because you really don't have a choice, do you? Trump's an iconoclast. Sadat threw the Russians out of the Middle East over thirty years ago. Obama's administration let them back in. That was a mistake. I think last night's events have reset the chessboard not only in the Middle East but also in North Korea and perhaps Iran.
  2. Regardless of how I think and feel about Trump, I have to say that I will be eternally grateful to him for beating Hillary in the election. I'll leave it to Bill to continue to beat her with an ugly stick. She is one of the worst people. In fact, she's deplorable.
  3. Tell the truth. You went on a date with him and woke up with a headache, a sore butthole, a funny taste in your mouth and a quarter in your hand.
  4. You bet. Schumer's view that ideology is now paramount and a justification for obstructing a nomination wins out today. From now on the Senate will no longer just rule on the candidate's legal expertise as grounds for joining the Supremes. Ideology is now most important. What a dirt bag his is.
  5. Agreed, but I think Trump's initial campaign manager is in trouble because he never registered as a lobbyist for a foreign government. That's worth more than a slap on the wrist. I think that's what the FBI is investigating. Red, white, and blue with brass buttons perhaps. Behold - the dark stars!
  6. Well, kind sir, who on the left would you suggest has the temperament and courage to do that? Hmmm?
  7. You're breaching the TOS meatball, and what - no quotes from another comedian? You're losing it.
  8. Obama and his administration is one of the most lawless and law disrespecting in the history of the nation.
  9. Thank you. At least you didn't bring in my genealogy this time while referencing that I was an embarrassment to Lucy.
  10. Friggin amateurs. D.C. Tom thinks of himself as Martin Morgan when he's really Aryeh Nusbacher. I'll hang up and listen to your response on the air. (Boy, am I ever gonna get it)
  11. This whole Russia/Trump nonsense is nothing more than a political slime job by Obama and his sycophant operatives. I won't be surprised if the criminal investigation by the FBI has Susan Rice targeted.
  12. You'd prefer the Muslim Brotherhood perhaps?
  13. Not really. You know they changed the filibuster rule for Hillary when she was a Senator? It used to be that Senators had to keep talking to keep the filibuster going. She didn't like that. She didn't like to talk. So they changed the rule so that a Senator just has to invoke a filibuster and it remains in effect - with or without speeches of any sort - until cloture is ruled by a vote of 60. In this polarized political time the Reid Rule should prevail on everything in the Senate otherwise nothing will get done. It's a stupid remnant that was a hallmark of a more gentile time when political opposition wasn't synonymous with blood sport. Senator Bum!@#$ addresses the Senate: "Mr. Vice President, I rise to filibuster on the bill." Senator Bum!@#$ then sits down, collects his papers, and walks out of the chamber and the Senate comes to a halt.
  14. The unmasking isn't that unusual, but having those names spread all over Washington like mayonnaise on a turkey sandwich is. It's also very illegal. Someone will go to jail for that. Scooter Libby did.
  15. Im still somewhat amused by the new kid refugees who arrived here with a thud and immediately started acting like they are King Sh it and begin telling everyone how to behave when they don't know jack sh it about this forum. It's getting old though... their cries for a WAAAAAAMBULANCE!!! drown out the sounds of the night.
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