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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I must admit their little pas de duex makes me a wee mite uncomfortable around the cravat at times when they go on at such lengths. More's the pity to see two such fine lads exchanging blows with such earnestness. Judge Napolitano beat you to it by about three weeks.
  2. You should be happy. You taught us it's not important and we shouldn't care. Do be a hypocrite now about it.
  3. Well, I didn't vote for her but I would be absolutely thrilled if she got the Democ rats' nomination in 2020.
  4. Or maybe pass a new law. Ya know... make it illegal to shoot and/or kill someone with a handgun. Damned NRA.
  5. That's right old man. Get in step with the modern times or get crushed by the trampling mob of progressives going FORWARD!
  6. Yes, and prove that Trump's not a Putin sock puppet, but we all know better than that because he IS a Putin sock puppet, so it HAD to be a put-up Putin job.
  7. Again, a lot more Republicans voted for the uber liberal justices Sotomayor and Kagan than the meager 3 Dems who voted for Gorsuch. Schumer is a snake-like critter. He looks like the cross between a muskellunge and a copperhead. He's fugly.
  8. Well, I'd say the Republicans - for what they're worth - did at least try at times to have comity with the Democratic majority. Look at the votes for Sotomayor 68 - 31, and Kagan 61 - 31. A lot more Republicans voted to confirm those two liberals than the three Democrats that voted to confirm Gorsuch. But the Dems are so galvanized and petrified by the hysterical prog leftists that they're afraid to do anything that seems even remotely going along with the Republicans. They're scared schitless of losing their seat. It's like the wack-o lefties are playing the Great White to their representatives' Captain Quint.
  9. Yep. Pretty much that. Newt made Bill irrelevant for a time and Clinton never forgot that and his cronies have been on a vendetta ever since.
  10. Say what? Say "Ow"! Could be a good signing.
  11. Please stick to the facts. EJ was not "cut", he simply wasn't re-signed. There is a difference.
  12. Oh NO! They're going to hack Easter! Think of the children!!!
  13. They're more fair and balanced than MSNBC and CNN... and ABC, CBS, and NBC for that matter. The WaPo is totally anti-Trump. It's owned by a Bozo billionaire that hates Trump. The NY Times is also totally anti-Trump, as is the LA Times. Bloomberg is too, but a little less so than those above. The WSJ is about as close to a fair and balanced national paper that we have.
  14. I'm loathe to interfere with the singles tennis match that you and DR are having. However, this does beg the question... which flavor? Thank you for taking my post and I'll listen for your answer off the air. :hangsup:
  15. Yes. Once they sobered up after their initial glee of the tomahawk thumping, they had to piece together a background Rube Goldberg model that fits their ideology that Trump is a mere puppet of Putin's. Now, back to the approved narrative and agenda, no matter how convoluted and contrived. Trump must be stopped!
  16. For the Internet? Let 'er rip! Do you think the government should provide broadband access to all US citizens?
  17. What a shame the liberal/progressive/anarchist/deranged idiots are forcing the government to spend that money on protecting a woman when the money could better go to charter schools. :fusmiley:
  18. He's at Mar-a-Largo or wherever the flock they're meeting with Xi.
  19. Can I mention Larry Sinclair in this thread?
  20. Yes. And may the perpetrators rot in hell eternally.
  21. To show that Trump is a pawn of Putin, of course! They lost nothing when the last, feckless leader of our country turned his back on Assad's last use of WMD. Russia will see to it that he doesn't run out of weapons and ammunition. Putin said that this damages US-Russian relations. I think he's surprised that Trump The Bombastic has a backbone. Trump's increasing the percentage of the military in his inner circle of voices that he listens to. These are very dangerous times. Syria, Iraq, North Korea, and the happy horseshit that Russia's been pulling in Central Europe are all areas that the US has been pushed around for quite some time, and never as much as when the limp-wristed B.O. was in office. He, Hillary, and the stooge Kerry were absolute foreign policy disasters.
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