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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We'll, all I can say is. Kosjdktlejje jesidkrjehvw idndheusntof Ish sieidnns
  2. Reminds me a bit of McLovin'. Hope he's a better punt catcher.
  3. Yep. Tax reform is long overdue. This package - if passed in it's entirety - could be the biggest boost to the economy in the post WWII era. "It is my privilege to bring NAFTA up to date through renegotiation," Trump said in a written statement that accompanied the readout of his phone calls. "It is an honor to deal with both President Peña Nieto and Prime Minister Trudeau, and I believe that the end result will make all three countries stronger and better." Trump reiterated those points Thursday morning, tweeting, "if we do not reach a fair deal for all, we will then terminate NAFTA." He also claimed that the two leaders reached out to him. Sounds pretty measured and cool headed to me. Mexico and Canada have to be concerned that their gravy train will get taken away from them.
  4. This is true. That's why every healthcare provider asks you if you're presenting at their office with something that is either Worker's Comp or Accident related. Those cases get the bust-out-retail pricing. Insurance carriers bargain with the actual providers of healthcare to accept a lower rate and fee scale. You end up paying a smaller amount to the provider directly. Some providers will offer you a lower rate if you're uninsured. Of course, the truly uninsured can go to any emergency room and get their healthcare FOR FREE. ES LA LEY!
  5. The House of Representatives should impeach several of the judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. They have the power to remove them from office and should do that. They have overstepped their bounds too many times. Instead of having the country ruled by Executive fiat, we have a worse situation where an Appellate court is running the country by Judicial fiat. :thumbs down:
  6. Climate Change = hate speech and should be banned. Pro-Abortion = hate speech and should be banned. Anti-Gun Rights = hate speech and should be banned. Vagina Costumes = hate speech and should be banned. Maybe the lefties have something we can all get behind. Just turn it on them. Progressivism = hate speech and should be banned.
  7. This could solve the feral pig problem we have in the southern US.
  8. And I can't wait to get my tax cuts either. Thieving Democrats are money grubbing sons of bitches who buy votes with other people's money. Their idea of running a government is that it's a big charity and the constituency that yells the loudest gets the most attention and money. It's like "Queen For a Day!" The bigger the sob story, the bigger the payoff.
  9. Yeah, they sure believed B. O. When he said "if you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor period."
  10. We'll I bet they won't call him a carpetbagger. Hell, they won't even call him a carp.
  11. Well, I'm tired and everything. Wifey and I have been officially homeless now for about 24 hours. We sold our house in Princeton and are moving to The Cape. So far I haven't felt a need for handouts, but that could change anytime now that I'm a m!@#$.
  12. Spoken for truth. I want in. Remember: Sell half at double.
  13. I'd like to see a PPP March Madness Debate between meatball and OC. But alas, 'tis April now.
  14. We'll, he did get a Nobel Peace Prize by not being George Bush. So he did have that glint for him.
  15. No worries. We'll get back at them by hacking their next election.
  16. The commies are such up-tight as holes they're blind to the wide open security breach they put on parade at regular intervals. If I were planning a preemptive strike at them, I'd choose the perfect time to hit them with heavy salvos of tomahawks... right in the middle of their military parades when their middles are being shown off to their people and the world. They have thousands of troops goose-stepping along the parade route and all the top brass is there on the podium with that tin horn dictator wearing his overcoat made by an oil drum designer. What a prime time to decapitate their country.
  17. We should let Japan get nuclear... with missiles. Germany too. Then back off and let the regional stresses undergo metamorphosis.
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