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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Most proponents of Obamacare have a pre-existing condition. They were stupid and their condition hasn't changed.
  2. Wonder if they'll pick up his 5th year option or let him walk...
  3. The better the Meeks, the better the cushion I always say.
  4. Bell bottom blues. So sad. No tears from former years. So, suck it.
  5. Draw and quarter the B word! How dare she not comply with the rules! [/ProgsReflexiveReaction] Forward!!!
  6. I'm in the "officially don't care" camp. There's been so much crazy crap going on at OBD that I've lots a lot of interest in the team. I wish them well as always, but I'm really SMH and holding my nose these days more than I ever thought I would. Their "best" player is one toke over the line to getting suspended for months and the FO churning is now in overdrive. What's not to like?
  7. She undoubtedly believes that Abe Lincoln founded the Democrat party. I think most Libs and Progs do.
  8. Ya never did read da book, now did jas?
  9. I give Mel Kiper a bottom 5 grade for his bad dentition and greasy hair.
  10. We could get a 2039 7th Round pick from the Pats*** for him perhaps.
  11. Agreed on Drew Pearson. He's obviously uncomfortable speaking in public, but if he keeps at it, and practices a lot, he could overcome his natural tendency toward introversion.
  12. 2017 Buffalo Bills - "We need YOU to play Quarterback!"
  13. Well, that certainly puts those of us who don't have half a brain in a quandary.
  14. Everyone should remember their remarks here if and when Mr. Big Puff gets tagged AGAIN.
  15. Again, I think they're foolish to have parades and show-off demos of their arsenals because they concentrate those assets and their command structure into very small positions that could be relatively easy to target with cruise missles and other ordinance. POOF!!! Up goes your military Mr. Kim. So solly challie. You big-a-ass-a-hole you.
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