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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I guess I should stop running Windoze on my Mac. Practice safe computing my friends.
  2. I suggest they get Stephen Colbert to appear regularly on their network and spew "rooster Holster" hate speech at Republicans. That's a sure-fire winner! It's simply appointment TV.
  3. Maybe Jared will bring peace to the Middle East after all.
  4. But why would the insurance and big Pharma companies want to kill the system that's given them so much in free government money while they are crushing the little guy by jacking up their premiums and costs so high they can't afford to pay up? Sounds like a perpetual profits machine for them. Damn it. Why can't healthcare be free - just like gasoline and food?
  5. It goes way, way back... This latest chapter of the abortion that is the media's attempts at influencing the Presidential election was brought to you by James Comedy - former Director of the FBI.
  6. No, no, no. A thousand times NO! It's all part of a perilous Putin plot designed to drain the CF of all their money and all the US uranium.
  7. 9 million people who have "coverage" but still don't have healthcare. Simple. He's a meathead. He's got twitchy muscles in place of brain cells.
  8. Well, when the MSM is an avowed enemy sworn to take him down, that probably should be a priority. AND he uses Russian dressing on his salad and has been know to eat caviar! Oh right. They're so far behind (about two full track laps) that it only appears in a snapshot that they're anywhere near the real front. Wow. You just hearing that now? Ravioli Ho came running to the forum with that "news" hours ago. That's yesterday's scandal. Next up: who's been oogling over pictures of Meghan during lunch period while the school proctors weren't watching?
  9. Ugh. So sorry Boomer. My condolences.
  10. They're just happy that they can continue the mantra of "Fire Brandon!" Whether it's Rus or Beane, it still works. "Fire Brandon!" Keeps things simple.
  11. This is an epic swamp-draining move. The unelected powerbroker in Washington need to be cut down to size. They're more mob-like than the Sons of Liberty.
  12. I can't believe Trump would violate the Constitution by dismissing the Constitutionally important Director of the FBI.
  13. This just in: Trump appoints Macaroni Giuseppe as the new director of the FBI.
  14. Aaron Hernandez's murder conviction has been vacated. He's now officially an innocent (but dead) man. A Bristol Superior Court judge rules Tuesday morning that Hernandez's murder conviction for the killing of Odin Lloyd is to be vacated, making as if the trial that determined his guilt never happened. His legal team has been fighting to vacate the conviction since his suicide. State law indicates that convictions in the appeals process can be vacated if the convicted person dies before the process ends.
  15. Yes. Just let the experts on a football forum decide how to build a really, really good healthcare insurance system. Why, with the broad depth of experience and knowledge of the subject matter, this should be a piece of cake. We could make a bang-up system in no time at all.
  16. and I personally haven't a clue on how to handle any of that. So, I ran from the forefront and "led" from behind."
  17. Here's some more props for Vic:
  18. He had more pancakes than an IHOP on a Saturday morning in that highlight reel. Won't be as easy from now on though.
  19. Très cherCher! Or, should that be Très bon marché?
  20. She declared herself to be part of "the Resistance."
  21. So, willStephen Colbert market a sex doll of himself will his mouth being a rooster holster for Bill Clinton?it could be a big hit in the prog world.
  22. Trump could sign an executive order that states that all Americans have healthcare overage. That should satisfy the minions. No one would be able to say that they don't have healthcare overage -- because they would indeed have it -- by Presidential fiat no less. And as they say in the hood, "that and a dollar can get you a cup of coffee at a diner."
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