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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I'll make it simple for you Doc. It's just racism. Southerners hate Jews and Blacks hate Jews. [/paintedwiththebroadbrushstrokelikethesimplemindedprogsdoallthetime]
  2. With zero deductibles, so it's a big win for the average citizen there. Sounds like nirvana.
  3. Rest assured. It's obvious that the fix is in. They haven't hired a Compensatory Pick scout either.
  4. Oh sure. If the former FBI Director has to plead the 5th, that will certainly put an end to Trump's claim that he never tried to influence Jimmy Comedy to end the Flynn investigation. Comedy is a jerk. He's a bonafide jerk like most of the Dem "leadership" and Jeff Beejob who owns the WaPo.
  5. Quite a few of our "progressive" dementors who habituate this site do precisely that.
  6. Why haven't they released his MRI results yet? COVERUP!
  7. Me too. For the criminal investigation into the treasonous activities of the SOS and her family's "foundation" - which is rotten to the core, and Corps, and corpse.
  8. Dawkins got a good review too at about the 9 minute mark.
  9. I got 'cher Pre Madonna right here pal. Friggin' maroon!
  10. "If Trump has tapes, Congress wants to hear them" by Ed O'Keef and Jenna Johnson - The WaPo "Senate Minority Leader Charles E. aka Chuckee Schumer, D - N.Y. said that if such tapes exist, "the President should turn tum over immediately. To destroy them would be a violation of law. But he should turn them over to Congress and to the investigators." Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said his panel or another congressional committee "absolutely" would subpoena Trump for such recordings. "We have got to make sure that these tapes - IF they exist - don't mysteriously disappear." IF they exist... and IF they don't exist - they can be subpoenaed to be put in evidence of Trump's collusion with Putin to throw the election last November. How do they know that the sound they're not hearing is the sound that the burglar isn't making as he's not breaking into their homes to commit theft and murder. They should be afraid... very afraid. Be afraid America. Your President has secrets!
  11. Lou Saban won't be back either. Pretty sure. Yep. Pretty sure.
  12. Marijuana is a dangerous drug. Why do you think they call it "dope"?
  13. No indeed. She simply assumed the fetal position and with gutless abandon let the **** fly over her head. Which, was probably the game plan all along: Fill the fields with feces for the next administration to wade through and deal with ad nauseam.
  14. It's Trump's fault because he built the pipeline and caused oil prices to fall and Russia became bankrupt and belligerent and the Venezuleans now have nothing to eat but bird droppings and cigarette butts shipped there from Citgo service stations.
  15. If Lynch had any balls, she would have sacked Jim Comedy when he usurped her power by announcing that there would be no prosecution of Hillary for her criminal behavior WRT her email server. He's just another narcissistic swamp twerp flitting from stage to stage with another "look at me" speech. He has a great following amongst the bird brains who when they hear something, they have to repeat it without giving it an ounce of thought. "Hello, sun's up. It's me, it's me. Hello, sun's up. It's me, it's me." etc., etc., etc.
  16. On balance, I think Trump had a pretty good week. Last weekend the media was comparing him to and actually calling him "Hitler." This weekend the media is comparing him to and actually calling him "Nixon." That's demonstrable improvement.
  17. Not if he costs a 2018 compensatory pick!
  18. To me, there are two types of Bills fans @ Two Bills Drive: Those that were her before March 2, 2017 and those who came after.
  19. Thought it was Tin Tin. Regardless, that's the Left to a Tee.
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