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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Can we all stop a nano second and ponder how the NY Times got this information? The NSA, CIA, FBI all hate Trump's guts. What this appears to be is a case of Intelligence Diarrhea that's on the level of a C. difficile outbreak. One has to wonder how this generation of intelligence gatherers were trained. They seem less like James Bond and more like Tootie and Muldoon. "Ooh Ooh! I can't wait to tell somebody about this! Ooh! Ooh!" For those too young for the reference...
  2. Komatsu... youse got some 'splainin' to do!
  3. It's odd. I remember a docent at Colonial Williamsburg saying that the House of Burgess would not meet past dusk. The rationale was that they would need candlelight to continue. And, purchasing candles was a waste of taxpayers' money. How far we've come.
  4. If they just added North Korea to the list, it would pass. Without fail.
  5. I don't get Chuck's ex and Kim's sympathy for Chuck. He was a ruthless bastard to his brother and twice the con man that Jimmy ever was. I think Nacho gets run out by Hector after the empty nitro pills send him to the ER. Gus gives Mike the "OK" to shoot - but not kill - Salamanca, "because killing him would be too humane." Kim moves to Minneapolis to start anew, after she breaks up with Jimmy because she gets fired and can't countenance Saul Goodman as a life partner in Albuquerque.
  6. I liked it for awhile but the acting became a bit too melodramatic for my taste. Wonder which sibling ends up killing who at the end of Season Three.
  7. I knew there had to be a catch. Only 30" to a yard in High School football fields. So this was basically an extra point by NFL standards.
  8. Well then. The solution to the problem is intuitively obvious. We should trade all of our draft picks away for proven vets. BB*** already started in this direction.
  9. Sign him on the cheap. Best slashing runner of all time.
  10. You didn't expect him to give 100 Quid to The HomelessShelter of Knightsbridge's School for the study of Silly Walks, now did you? Thanks LA. These are always good. I usually get at least two of them right. Sunday, Sept 10 - Bills vs. Jets. WIN! Sunday, Sept 17 - Bills @ Panthers WIN! Sunday, Sept. 24 - Bills vs. Broncos loss Sunday, Oct 1 - Bills @ Falcons WIN! Sunday, Oct 8 - Bills @ Bengals WIN! Sunday, Oct 22 - Bills vs. Buccaneers WIN! Sunday, Oct 29 - Bills vs. Raiders WIN! Thursday, Nov 2 - Bills @ Jets WIN! Sunday, Nov 12 - Bills vs. Saints loss Sunday, Nov 19 - Bills @ Chargers WIN! Sunday, Nov 26 - Bills @ Chefs loss Sunday, Dec 3 - Bills vs. Patriots* WIN!!! Sunday, Dec 10 - Bills vs. Colts WIN! Sunday, Dec 17 - Bills vs Fish WIN! Sunday, Dec 24 - Bills @ Patriots* loss Sunday, Dec 31 - Bills @ Fish WIN! Super Bowl here we come. And this time they're gonna win it !
  11. So is the Manchester bombing just Trump getting back at the Brits for tipping off the FBI about Manafort having a gimlet with a Russian hooker/spy in a Manhattan bar that precipitated the investigation(s) that has(have) since gone full gatortard?
  12. Why don't they just pass a law in Britain that outlaws personal ownership of bombs? That should fix the problem.
  13. After the housing market debacle that was the direct result of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo's force-feeding banks unqualified homebuyers it had no place to go but up. And, it took about seven years to do it because of stinky B. O.'s interference in the economy whereas the markets could have pulled us out of that recession in about two years except for the incessant "Stimulous" and chain of "Summer of Recoveries".
  14. One way to get the unemployment rate down is to decrease the participation rate. Here you can see what including those who have stopped looking for work does to the rate. More on participation - 95 million Americans not working.
  15. It's required reading for the MSM and progressives.
  16. But few people paid anything near the highest rates. The tax laws were so convoluted and the tax shelters were so byzantine that the IRS spent more time trying to police the loopholes than in collecting taxes. Google Billy Sol Estes. He was an LBJ chum.
  17. He's riding high at the moment. Meanwhile DC Dems are quivering - and not because Weiner was exposed.
  18. So it was the Russians. The Russians took down Weiner. Hoo New?
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