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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The diffabitterance between GG and DR is painful to read.
  2. No. The American Samoan vote turned the election! :outrage:
  3. The reason Gillislee isn't on the team anymore.
  4. The worst cuts of all occurred at 875 South Bundy Drive Los Angeles, CA in June, 1994.
  5. I know! I know! Medicaid. Taxes on the wealthy, i.e., people earning more than ten thousand dollars a year.
  6. Truth. But according to some, these are the best, safest, most gentlest of times in the history of the universe. SMH.
  7. I use the technique of putting the Wahabi into the soy sauce first, instead of downing a dollop of it as a chaser. Of course. They're terrorizing the innocent peace-loving average جو and trying the evilest worst to intimidate them into joining their vile ranks. They suck goat rooster and drink baby's blood, they want more to join the party. They're the Hell's Angels of the Middle East and are on a rampage fueled by drugs because they lack the testosterone and intellect to actually be creative and build a culture that doesn't worship death. They are the wolf packs of the region and are preying on the mute cattle and sheep that are within easy reach. They are amoral animals. They despise peaceful co-existence because they are demented savages who dream of world domination at the expense of every "non-believer" infidel. They are the scum of the earth, they are walking human excrement in shoes. They are unfit to be called humans because they are worthy of being nothing more than fertilizer like cow and sheep dung. The only axe they have to grind with peaceful Muslims is that they are peaceful, decent people and as such are simply fodder for their war of insanity.
  8. Liberia was a better choice. The Caribbean was a less expensive choice.
  9. That's exactly what's going on. It's a high tech lynching of a populist.
  10. Please elaborate on that. Just how exactly, was our election interfered with?
  11. You must never have seen this. It'll open yer eyes, I tell ya. It'll open yer eyes.
  12. Well, I am. It's quite entertaining... some of the time. But each day's news histrionics brings our collective adrenal gland exhaustion to new levels.
  13. But why should we care if HE did it? He won a Nobel Peace Prize but not being a Bush. [/bF] We should be more concerned about the current administration and how they can't seem to disentangle themselves from the slimy traps thrown in their way and/or shake off the MSM who smell the blood in a vacuum and won't let go until they get apoplexy.
  14. But "Cumbaya" is such a cool song that emits such warm-fuzzy feelings. And let's not forget...
  15. Don't forget to mention her first job on Wall Street.
  16. The Obama failure to grow the economy resulted in many people milking the system by taking 99 weeks of unemployment benefits and then, when there were still no jobs, they did whatever they could do to get classified by their doctors as "disabled" so they would qualify for SSDI benefits. Obama's legacy is millions more people are now wards of the state.
  17. Bills colors are red white and blue. The same colors as the American flag! Hoodathunk?
  18. Keep my seasons, indeed! Hrumpff, hrumpff. I may have moved to Cape Cod, but I'm still expecting Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter here. Haven't been to a Bills game in years, truth be told. Now I'm living in enemy territory I expect to have my brains washed on a regular basis by the Bahstun media. Will have to make it back to WNY soon.
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