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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes. The Russian mind-control gambit. It works like a charm. Just ask any Prog.
  2. Tell us how he stood up to his former boss, Loretta Lynch. And then let us know why he stopped the Hillary email investigation matter. Real he-man he is.
  3. Yep, and he went tit for tat by calling Trump a liar several times. Bottom line is Comey's a leaker and he did what he did with the expressed intent to trigger a Special Prosecutor Investigation. If the FBM was doing its job this investigation matter would have been finished months ago.
  4. Why, defamation of character of course! Anything he writes in the course of his duties as head of the Federal Bureau of Matters is government property. Mishandling and leaking it to the media, although cowardly and self-serving, is not a criminal act. It is however, grounds for being fired.
  5. You are robins. None of those things you stated are facts. They're just figments of your overactive childish imagination.
  6. Wait. You get two pickles on your cheeseburgers at McDonalds? Bastard! I always only get one. This could very well turn me into a Bernie supporter.
  7. Instead, everyone is focused on Comey. And Comey revealed himself to be a coward and a leaker. How can we prosecute a 25 year old Reality Queen who was essentially a clerk for passing notes to a website for them to publish and not look with scorn on the former director of the Federal Bureau of Matters when he essentially did the same thing. True, he purposely did not mark his notes "classified", but they are government records. Mishandling them is an offense that is punishable by firing. Guess what? He got fired. Spoken for truth. Can I get an "Amen"?
  8. Trump is an amateur politician and doesn't know protocols. But perhaps he thought it was okay to ask everyone to leave and have a one on one with Jimmy Comey because Jimmy boy did exactly that back in January. Comey is a clown of the first order. He's a spineless self-serving worm. Yes, Trump acted badly, he's a boor of the first order, but he's certainly not a bore.
  9. I make the call? "Elooo luv. Just giving you a tinkle on the blower, I am, to say elooo. Shall we go out for fish 'n chips tonight? Perfect. Sounds smashing!" What do I win?
  10. This is just stall tactics by the left. Once this crap is put to bed, Hillary and her phony foundation can be properly targeted. Then Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch, Humma-dummada, and Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder, and on, and on, and on, and on...
  11. Well, you know... priorities. The Coup attempt must go on. Forward!
  12. Sure. The election of 2000 has called and wants their hanging chads back. I wouldn't shake that bush with gatortard's barge pole.
  13. But he's got a good head start on it, now doesn't he?
  14. She's got legs... that go all the way up to her chin.
  15. Yes you have. And that's appreciated by many here, myself included.
  16. Content slightly edited for clarity and truth. Oh good grief!
  17. And sniffing around the all important software project that handles the American Samoan absentee ballots. No wonder Nancy Pelosi is screaming like her tit got caught in a ringer. Next thing you know, the Russians would be emailing the Samoans with propaganda that suggests that their minimum wage has been kept lower because Madam Stretch has effectively cut that particular population out of the US minimum wage standard... because it would cost her buddies at Starkist a significant amount of money to run their company that's based there.
  18. You know who else pondered whether society should provide only for those deemed capable?
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