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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. McCain should reimburse the Navy for the cost of the four jets he crashed... or at least three of them. The Zuni caused Forrestal fire wasn't exactly his fault. He's butt hurt that Trump accomplished something he couldn't do. Trump vanquished the hold of three oligarchical American political families in a single election cycle and won the grand prize. Bushes - burned; Clintons - clapped; B.O. - deodorized.
  2. Well, finally the pious chime in. Good to hear you're a church-going religious type and can speak for all of that community. You don't even know what the replacement for Obamanationcare is going to be. The Dems stole money from the American citizenry and sucked it out of the economy and have taken a wrecking ball to the Healthcare and Healthcare Insurance industries. Those are two different animals in case you don't know. Having healthcare "insurance" doesn't and never did equate with having access to healthcare. One of the key tenets of every Republican plan I've seen is the coverage for "pre-existing conditions". So do yourself a favor and exhale, unless you like the sight of your face turning blue.
  3. Left my rider mower behind when we moved from Princeton. New house has a much smaller yard. I got an eGO from Home Depot. It's self-propelled and does a decent job. Battery charges in about half an hour and lasts through a cutting of the full lawn. The height adjusts easily with a single lever, and you can change the speed that it drives at pretty easily. It's different though, and seems to cut a bit unevenly. But that might just be the lawn. It's new sod and a bit uneven in places. The thing I don't like is the mower cost $500, but the replacement batter costs about $450. Might consider buying a new lawn mower when this battery craps out.
  4. About the same for me. I really like the Touch ID feature. Well, you're not supposed to boil the rice. It's supposed to be used in stir-fry mode only. Talk to your service provider. Maybe they could send you recipe instructions.
  5. I think we need a Special Prosecutor to look into the stupidity of the Democrat Party and their last campaign under DWS and Jon Podesta so the truth of their actions and activities can be shown to the world. If this were 1999, they would be fined for not being Y2K compliant. They should have worn protection - like the Porno Industry super stars that they are, but Nooooooo! That's what other people have to do isn't it, you hubristic, sanctimonious, effete, smartest-people-in-the-room. We're special. Well, your candidate got the political equivalent of the clap and perhaps AIDS because of your malfeasance, and you're trying to blame Trump and the Russians because you never have, nor probably never will accept responsibility for the string of disasters of your own making.
  6. If Comey is a witness, then Mueller should step down. They're best buddies. Comey was Muller's protege. Furthermore, Muller added four people to his staff that have a history of making significant donations to the Democrat party. Michael Dreeban, Andrew Weissman, James Quarles, and Janie Rhee. Conflict of interest. Rhee was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation.
  7. Yes. File this under the Obamacare regime weaponizing the Justice Department to target their enemies like Gibson Guitars. So of course it will be covered... over.
  8. I'm not boating on the Vineyard sound today. Taking a break. It's a bit breezy. Tomorrow there's rain. Thursday/Friday look to be good days.
  9. How exactly did they "interfere with our election?" Why do you think Trump cares nothing about Flynn's actions, does he still employ him? Why have you dropped the Russia-Trump "collusion" meme? Seriously. You do love your fantasies.
  10. What will get the economy moving again is tax cuts. Tax reform would be great, but that's a near impossibility at this time. A key to getting the tax rates as low as they should be is to abolish Obamanation Care.
  11. Just about spot on. Moving goal posts are a hallmark of the torch-bearing mob. It's the Prog's stock in trade. It only serves to continue the greatest meltdown in political history though.
  12. Who could forget the wonderful reassurance that gave to the French people who had just suffered a hideous terrorist attack?
  13. With that heavy a debt, is their island in danger of tipping over?
  14. The criticism comes from the velocity of this balls, not the accuracy of his shots.
  15. I'll toss in a bottle of Blandings Gold to sweeten the deal.
  16. And you're just waking up to this now? What were literally all the 20 and 21st century Presidents and Presidential wanna-bees? Chicken pluckers? They're all a bunch of hucksters. Difference is some of us aren't afraid to call it on both sides of the isle. Many - like you can't or won't.
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