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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. and pixie dust, and rainbows, with unicorn backup when necessary. So YOU'RE the one!
  2. I just checked the roster and there's no player with the name of "Vague Title" so you might want to consult the roster before ordering one of those.
  3. I remember a game where The Bills simply torched Miami all game long with about 16 screen plays - most to Thurman and Andre. Marv was laughing about it after the game. Good times.
  4. Take it for what it's worth, but he's done nothing in the preseason so far. That being said, nobody else has either, and that's a League-wide situation.
  5. That's just it. There are two alt right attention whores who have the guts, low IQ, lack of common decency who acted up. The Left is awash with people like that. There are 1,000 incidents of them being abject a-holes to a smattering handful of those that behave like jerks on the right.
  6. Yes. Trump should be all for that: "Redistribution of Guns!"The Republicans should enact the "Firearm Affordability Act" which would mandate that every household be required to show proof of firearms ownership when filing their taxes, and if they don't then the IRS will fine them. Think of it as a tax. You know, like the ACA was. The Supremes would have to allow it because of the judicial precedent they set in their ruling on the ACA.
  7. Surrender all of your firearms to the authorities all you progressives and Bernie supporters!
  8. When will Bernie call upon all of his supporters to voluntarily disarm themselves? It's the right thing to do.
  9. Well, they'll have to pass it in order to see what's in it. [/pelosispeak]
  10. Would he still have let Bruce, Thurman, and Andre walk in the same year?
  11. Now that Mueller's turned the investigation on the President's "obstruction of justice", he should step down. Because Comey IS a material witness and Comey was Mueller's protege. THAT clearly is a conflict of interests. This is exactly what Comey was trying to do with the leak to the media - get a Special Prosecutor assigned because they have NO limits to what they can investigate. He didn't have the guts to tell his boss that he felt Trump was interfering or attempted to interfere with Flynn's investigation. Hell, he told Congress and the world that he wasn't man enough to say that. So the worm leaks in order to get a SP who has limitless investigation powers. They have zero evidence of collusion by Trump. They have to get him somehow. The coup must continue.
  12. So, he's changing his jersey to #27 for this year?
  13. You know. A shoe in time saves a dime, or something like that.
  14. Hey, if this gets them three viewers, it'll be a 50% spike in ratings.
  15. Ah, hem... Robert Kennedy Eugene McCarthy Ralph Nader
  16. Great. They're going to run one of the key players that caused the hyper inflated real estate market crash of 2008 that triggered the worst recession since 1929. Perfect! Ahhh, Sanders is Jewish. I don't think he cares for or carries any bacon. When does his wife go to trial? She bilked the Catholic Church out of millions in a phony scheme that brought $millions to the college she was running (into the ground). Bernie made over $1 million in income last year. He stands to make more going forward. He's a mink coat socialist, along the lines of Al Gore being a jet-setting environmentalist with three mansions. Stay true to the cause. Stay true to the cause. Because there's money to be made in doing so. FORWARD!!!
  17. The Dems perfected Identity Politics to a fine art. But what it's got them is nests of supporters that believe themselves to be victims of someone/something/somegroup/somecondition. They die their hair purple and dress in full body vagina costumes, **** on police cars, and sucker punch people they don't agree with. Amen.
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