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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Millions and millions of people got "healthcare insurance" that they couldn't use because no healthcare providers would accept that insurance, or because their out-of-pocket deductibles were so high they either never went to the Dr. or never got past their high deductible. Obamacare was a bad joke played on the American people by really stupid, calculating Democrats.
  2. But, but, but... voter suppression! It's hard to put a real number on it though. You know, like the millions and millions of jobs that B.O. created or saved during the Summers of Recovery I, II, III, and IV. The mere fact that Hillary broke the law and looked during half the campaign like she was on life support shouldn't matter to the smart - I mean really, really smart Democrat voters. It was her turn. She was born to be President. She's the smartest woman in America - if not the world!
  3. No matter how busy you are, stop and smell the covfefe.
  4. That would indeed be the horns of a dilemma. The game of Bingo plays a big role in the storyline. Not everyone wins at the game. It's easy to see her getting hooked on "the good stuff" after getting so banged up in the car wreck.
  5. Think about Joan Rivers sudden death after she made the joke about B.O. Being gay and Michelle being his tranny beard. That, and why Bill Cosby was quickly taken down after standing up against the pandering of and to the soft bigotry of low expectations for black youth.
  6. Hey, the Left and millennials still absolutely adore Che Guevara.
  7. And Dan Rather is still standing on the steps of the US Supreme Court parsing through their decision and trying desperately to read into it an understanding that it really means Al Gore actually won Florida and the Presidency.
  8. What damage did Flynn actually do during his long, long 25 days on the job as National Security Advisor?
  9. Does he like Ranch dressing on his wings? That's what's important.
  10. With a large case of the red azz, and a size 12 boot, he certainly was. Highland Games... remember? That site reminded me how hard it is earn enough money with just 48 weeks in a year.
  11. 12,631 more people voted for the Republican than voted for the Trump slayer Democrat. How long before we hear from the DNC that Jackoff should be declared the real representative of DeKalb county which he won by 9,777 votes?
  12. Hey, millions of them won't give up their cable tv and cell phones and cigarettes. Where are they supposed to get the money for insurance?
  13. Dems never really cared enough about getting medical services to the masses or they would have figured out how much it would cost. They just did a seductive political striptease promising wide availability and low costs for millions of people. It was a total sham that did nothing that was promised repeatedly by its proponents. The only time they care about the poor is whenever they're running for office and have to figure out a way to buy their votes with other people's money.
  14. Trump should get in the faces of the EMEA, PMDA, Health Canada and other price fixing bodies around the world and demand that their citizens pay their fair share of drug development costs. Americans are footing the bill for new drug discovery and the rest of the world reaps the benefits at deep discounts.
  15. Now you just wait a dog-gonned minute. Derek Jeter NEVER knelt down during the playing of the National Anthem.
  16. The Left demonizes wealthy individuals unless they espouse beliefs that are similar to theirs. Warren would sooner confiscate your and everyone's 401ks, IRAs, and pension funds and give you government issued bonds. Nancy and Chuck already have plans for that money. It plans!
  17. mental picture begins to grow of gatordude in an aluminum folding chair being lifted up by helium balloons and floating around the room while being hit with bats and brooms like a piñata.
  18. What an excellent caged bird Comey would make for a Vlad - the former head of the KGB.
  19. What's Ray Rice been up to recently? Selling insurance or used cars?
  20. Sad. He was a very likable actor.
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