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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The Bills control their own destiny. Just win and our questions will be answered.
  2. EII, do yourself and all of us a favor. Blow it out you azz.
  3. It wouldn't have been an issue then unless he were really a threat to her highness getting the brass ring.
  4. In May of 2016, 3rdnlng posted about it in some detail as well.
  5. I've mentioned this in several posts. His wife was president of a small college and they cooked up an expansion package. Then they sold bonds to fund it. The local Catholic diocese bought millions of dollars of those notes. Then lo and behold, the college's enrollment didn't increase, the buildings never got built, and all the money's gone, and the creditors are left holding the bag. Then she left the school before it closed its doors. What great timing! Isn't she the luck one. FORWARD!
  6. And it all begins to become unravelled now. It was just a simple slimy sleazy smear job by Dem operatives who hate Trump and love Hillary.
  7. Trump has his critics in a bind. If the election meddling was so terrible, then Obama was incompetent and negligent. If it wasn’t so significant, then why the sustained hand wringing and pearl clutching? Because he said kitty! That's why, say the young and old women with purple hair wearing full body vagina costumes. He also called Rosie and a beauty pageant contestant "fat". :angry: And he won and Hillary isn't president :angry: I think that's it in a nutshell. And believe me, there are a lot of nuts out there that think just about along those lines.
  8. Not only that but according to IMDB, he was the writer and did the voice over for the 2000 TV commercial "The Spineless Wonder Bonder for deboning fish" He's an amazing man of many talents.
  9. OMG! He drew a red line in the sand! What a leader!
  10. My son went to college right out of high school, but it just wasn't for him. He became an electrician and is doing quite well for himself.
  11. Remember how he was so upset with Chelsea's first job out of college - joining a Walll Street Hedge Fund? Yeah, neither do any of us.
  12. And which candidate did Putin favor, exactly? Supposedly they tried by phishing to get both the DNC and RNC emails. Only the Dems were stupid enough to ride bareback through the Intarwebs because they're sooooo damned smart it hurts. In effect Podesta got a case of the Internet clap and that was paraded around by Wikileaks. They tried to give Rience the same thing, but lo and behold he wore an Intarwebs condom on his computer. Hillary has more ties to Russia than Trump does. They gave her foundation millions in exchange for our uranium. Who's kidding who about which of the two candidates Putin would like in the White House. He already rolled Hillary around on her back and stroked her fat belly like the dog she is. Trump isn't exactly an easy guy to get along with, and he's 100 times the negotiator that Hillary and the failed Obama administration's deal makers were. They absolutely sucked at it and gave away much of our treasure.
  13. You'll have to pry my cold dead hands off my Range Rover.
  14. Vlad will be honored to receive all that data about American consumerism. Ahhhh! The better to hack you with, Wendy my dear. Think a little harder on this, please. 1) Vehicle registrations and licensing with be done away with? Seriously? State are going to simply walk away from tens of millions of dollars a year in fees. IDTS. 2) You think accidents won't happen? Seriously? Because technology is so awesomely reliable. Sure, it's great... when it works. 3) Every car, truck, SUV, and mini van will be electric? Seriously? Millions of people turning away from gas lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and edge trimmers too I suppose. 4) No car, truck, SUV, or mini van will ever speed? Seriously? The first after market conversion kits we be Apps for the iPhone and Androids that will override the speed governor.
  15. Here, check it out. What you're missing in your equation is the amount of coinsurance that people have to pay in addition to their high deductibles for their "cheap" insurance. But of course, based on their income they get a tax credit - which is paid directly to the insurance company.
  16. He just longs for the good old days of the "People's Tsar." Think of him as a "Romantic." It's very much in vogue with the Left.
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