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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Forget it Jeff. Trump's his own worst enemy except for the 20,000 members of the MSM who spew vile hateful epitaphs at him, and his family. The looney lefties just eat that up as much as they say the right eats up Fox News stories. Just one of those azzholes probably started the whole Russia/Trump collusion red herring just to !@#$ him over, and the echo chamber on the Left has done its useful idiot job of just going batshit crazy over it and anything else having to do with him. For the record, Minka is a turd, and Joe Scarborough is as well. Talk about a RINO.
  2. IF you and your lovely bride are into museums and the like, perhaps one of these would fit the bill: Cooperstown Old Sturbridge Village but stay at the Publick House and have the lobster pie! The Shelburne Museum in Vermont - fairly close to Montreal
  3. I'll NEVER long for a time when Hillary would be President. Trump is horrible in many respects, but she is criminal.
  4. This is a topic that I started Gringo. It's titled "The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency" I think I am on topic, thank you.
  5. As opposed to the "class" that his opponents show on a daily basis? I'm not defending him by any stretch, but the Left is bat-**** looney in their obsession of him and the bitterness of their rancor in personally attacking him is not without blame either, and is worthy of scorn.
  6. It's my way or the highway. Isn't that right Tom. Tom, isn't that right? Tom? Tom? Now where did that old geezer go?
  7. It is fake. It's a sham of a mockery of a sham. Its totally concocted bull **** that smells of obama's dirty underwear and Hillary's crotch BO.
  8. Absolutely not. What kind of a Progressive are you? Don't you know that Bob in Michigan knows with absolute certainty that marijuana is the Miracle cure for well, just about everything. Your efforts must focus on getting it legalized and then no one will ever think that they need healthcare insurance. In fact they might never think again. FORWARD!!!
  9. You sound like a self-righteous prigg. Got a nosebleed yet from the moral high ground you've so recently ascended to? Care to tell us all again how to think and run our affairs. Seriously, I used to think you were a decent person. Now I think you're just a s hit.
  10. An oncoming high speed bullet train, in fact.
  11. Now that's a "reset button" we can believe in.
  12. And what are the average waiting times, robbins? How long does it take to get a new hip, a new knee, or have open heart surgery in those pantheons of socialized medicine? How much are their Drs. and Surgeons paid on average? Why do so many Cannucks come to America to get their open heart surgeries performed, hum? Don't they teach open heart surgery in Canuckistan medical schools?
  13. If you believe that the US should have no borders, and that ever living human being in the universe has a right to enter this country and become Demi-citizens, then yes. $15 should become the minimum wage throughout the entire world.
  14. Thank god the queen of mean Hillary lost. She makes Leona Helmsley look like Mother Teresa. "the TRUE narrative that Clinton was untrustworthy, disingenuous, unfairly favored, and allowed to play by a different set of rules. They also fueled the heat she RIGHTFULLY took for separate issues, like classified emails on her private server or questions about the Clinton Foundation, which only CORRECTLY added to the sense that she wasnt being straight with the American people. This perception of her contributed to strikingly high unfavorability ratings and helps explain why nearly half of registered voters who supported Trump proclaimed that they were actually voting against Clinton." None of that was true about Clinton. The Russians made me think that about her.
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