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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The solution to the problem is intuitively obvious, so is therefore left as an exercise for the student.
  2. Well, Gabby got a navy ship named for her, and about 2,000,000 hours of TV coverage. The MSM doesn't even know this guy's name.
  3. OMG! " an acquaintance from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant, which was held in Moscow, had asked him to meet “with an individual who I was told might have information helpful to the campaign.” OMG! OMG! OMG! No one should ever do something like that! OMG! Run away! Run away! Run away! Run away!
  4. It's all a pack of lies fabricated by Fusion GPS. Pretty pathetic.
  5. I'll bet that this little encounter would be one of their most embarrassing moments in their young lives.
  6. Watch out for the pick pockets at the Trevi Fountain. They use people selling scarves and other items to distract you. They wave them in your face and shout at you. Enjoy your trip. Never had a bad meal in Rome.
  7. Has she started her for for POTUS yet? She's gotta catch up to Chelsea.
  8. Well, some not only pay not taxes, but they get returns to boot. So, I guess that's paying less taxes in a manner of speaking.
  9. Or an unhealthy demi-empress whose sense of entitlement knows no bounds?
  10. It's their turn to gore the other guy's ox. They're more concerned about his flabby mouth than they care about journalistic integrity. They can't stand that Hillary isn't President and they just can't get over it. They're filled with venom for the guy. I love that the MSM is enraged by him. They're so full of themselves, perhaps they're even more full of themselves than the ruling elite are that they've stopped reporting on what's happening in the nation and world and are fixated on Russia, Russia, Russia, and Minka's neck surgery. Pure spectacle is what it is. The media abdicated their responsibility to report news, now they pontificate on and smear in the sleaziest way every thing about him. What bothers them the most is that he's fabulously wealthy, and he is now the most powerful man in the world, and he's their President. It makes their skin crawl and their blood boil.
  11. You shouldn't be so hard on Bernie. It was his wife's University that she ran into the ground. He was just an innocent accomplishing bystander.
  12. Nah, he's still a young'un. By the length of your TV set's rabbit ears and whether the vertical and horizontal hold actually held during an entire hour long show. That, and the cubed root of the diameter of your rounded cathode ray tube. Don't hold your breath.
  13. It's always a good first step to be cautious and not follow the gathering mob in a rush to judgement. But that's not what happens so much these days of 24/7 news and the Intarwebs. I doubt that Bernie's involvement is very deep except that he used his position and station to back the plan his wife apparently hatched to solicit money for the school and then didn't execute the plan. Whether she's criminally libel is up for the courts to decide. Probably to Bernie, it was just another case of using other people's money for a good cause that he could believe in. Pretty pathetic actually, but that's probably his mindset around the scheme.
  14. Does that toast come with a side of poutine? What to do if you're in Toronto today. Enjoy your day all you in the great white north! :Labatt: :Molson:
  15. Happy belated birthday wishes to you Pooj. Hope to get to Philly sometime and hoist a few beers with ya!
  16. Cheers to you Mead! Congrats on joining the retired gang.
  17. Yes. Because he's Hitler. And, there are no birds. They've been eaten.
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