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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We're all gonna die from the Wuhan Virus. Trust me. It may take eighty or ninety years, but the cause of death will be Wuhan Virus, or Wuhan Virus-related.
  2. I believe we need clinical trials to study that.
  3. That should be a Trump campaign mantra.
  4. He definitely gets three scoops of ice cream.
  5. She’ll be portrayed on SNL by Rosie O’Donnell.
  6. Gauche perhaps, but some governors are acting like good little Nazis now. Interesting that the other sign says “Let our people be free”. Some people hate so much that they end up becoming what they hate.
  7. Elton John
  8. Sam Neill
  9. Eddie Murphy?
  10. How bout a motaur? Asking for a friend.
  11. That was me. Okay, a revolver can be a rapidly fired firearm. The article didn’t specify anything other than that and “assault style ‘weapons’”. A 9mm with a magazine is considered a semi-automatic, as are most pistols today. I just stretched the technical definition. Hey, I’m still fine with my .50 cal black powder rifle.
  12. Clearly they don't have a feral pig problem in all of Canada.
  13. What do they define as an "assault style firearm" and do they have a listing of the ones they want to ban? If they're talking about semi-automatic firearms, they'll need to ban most everything from revolvers, to shotguns, and long rifles.
  14. Matt is as talented a news pundit as we currently have. He is a staunch liberal, but somewhat like Turley and Dershowitz, he sees the real lay of the land and how the playing field is tilted so much that it can’t be countenanced with a clean conscience.
  15. Than. First today, then tomorrow. I’d rather have catsup on my fries than mayonnaise.
  16. Thank you! I do love those so.
  17. I'd also say that homeowners that have been bailed out from a natural disaster - I'm thinking floods in the mid west for example - should only be eligible for a one time rebuild of their house on the flood plain. Some people have built and rebuilt on the same footprint as their previously flooded house. Sam Kinison would yell at them to move... to higher ground. I would make those people ineligible to get flood insurance, or at least a very limited coverage amount - enough to cover removal of the destroyed house.
  18. Ah! But you fail to see the equalivency of states that are beset by natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires are just exactly like states with unfunded public pension liabilities that have greased the pockets of state workers for decades while under the unchecked and bankrupt policies of the liberal Democrat regimes. State governments that run their finances into the ground by willful acts of malfeasance are just as entitled to financial bailouts as those areas that are hit by natural disasters. PS I wonder if Governor Capone has calculated the cost of the aid that the Feds have pumped into NY and NYC during THEIR "natural" disaster. What's another few tens of Billions of dollars to get their cushy pensions solvent? (Of course, they'll squander the money and they'll be insolvent again before he leaves office.)
  19. Ya all a bunch of Karens. The table slamming is how he approaches being an OT. It’s a metaphor for crimminey‘s sake. He wants to pound the clown opposite him on the D Line. Chill out. And yes, I’m a Boomer. PS, the music suxs
  20. And yet he's a billionaire and one of the most powerful people in the entire world, and you're simply an azzzhat posting shite on a football team's message board.
  21. GRAP ‘EM BY THE *****! Stinkfinger Joe 2020
  22. Well to be fair Tapper does look like he’s constantly constipated.
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