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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. They should encourage LBJ to run again. He's their kind of liberal. He's perfectly qualified. Former President, from the South, says the "N" word with impunity, has corrupt friends, escalated the Viet Nam war to "the next level" - and beyond, hated the Rooskies and their Sputnik, really, really hated people from the north. He'd be a spectacular candidate - compared to Hillary.
  2. is actively engaging in and promoting a coup d'etat. "Take to the streets," "Resist in every way," "not my President," etc., etc., etc.
  3. Trump is ordering up new staff like it's coming from room service. What a shi t show. And to think Hillary lost to this grupping buffoon.
  4. We'll, if the US is obligated to allow all citizens of the world free entry into the country and citizenship in same, then it's perfectly logical that its government is entitled to as much money from all companies throughout the entire world that they can wrest from them. [/leftist dogmatic prattle]
  5. Just couldn't get the image of Trump's face at orgasm out of your head, now can ya?
  6. I love it when she calls Republicans "scumbags." That's showing some real class and diplomatic finesse.
  7. Please do follow up with when they're going to be at TC. That's important stuff too. I've only dropped in a little on that channel and haven't heard when they're going to be at SJF. It's always fun to see them get some exposure on TV. They've been such a non story for so long it hurts.
  8. Pretty sure the OP was referencing the NFLNetwork's broadcast of the preseason games.
  9. Was certain you smug PC guys were doing something to keep Mac users from seeing the videos. I even downloaded Chrome - to no avail. I guess we're all Messina out.
  10. Government knows best! Nothing to see here. Government treats people like mushrooms - keeps them in the dark and (literally in this example) dumps sh it on them.
  11. This is what happened: Hillary, "I don't know Vlad... 'deplorables' sounds awfully strong." Vlad, "Trust me Hill. It'll energize your base and what's more important it will demoralize Trump's" Hillary, "Vlad, are you sure I don't have to campaign in Wisconsin?" Vlad, "Trust me Hill. Obama signed a secret law that gave Wisconsin to Canada. Their votes won't count. Stick to campaigning in California."
  12. Trump signs measure to sanction Russia and others for being bad apples. Giuseppe Macaroni says, "Putin's not getting merda for his 'investment' in Trump!" Trump vetoes measure to sanction Russia and others for being bad apples. Giuseppe Macaroni says, "Trump's just Putin's stooge."
  13. And Guggliabananza wins the Intarwebs! Thus it is written: http://youtu.be/Vd6wi8nDJhU https://youtu.be/Vd6wi8nDJhU dunno why the linky thingy didn't work, but then again, it wasn't eye that one the Intartubes.
  14. Why, the government confiscating private citizen's property and money of course! All in the name of "fairness."
  15. Well, pulling the plug on Chuck would be one small step for a conflicted man, one giant leap for the series.
  16. They had the language first, Eric. The rest of the country !@#$ed it up.
  17. Maybe we can pick him up after his third suspension from The League. You know - value... get 'em on the cheap.
  18. Voting is so last century. Elections should be decided in the ring... WWE style!
  19. That, and the Teachers and Administrators get nice benefit packages to go with their sweet salaries. That's how. Think of the children! How can they learn if their teachers aren't making close to $100k?
  20. No wonder. Who can take hours and hours of this? http://youtu.be/lJWsDjyB36U
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