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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Oh, yes they do. Worker's Comp and accident insurers do. They pay bust-out-retail and the providers set their "list price" accordingly. Everyone else gets a discount off of that whether it's from a group plan, or individually insured. Of course, the indigent get their health care for free. Agreed, though I suspect Doc's been around here a lot longer under a different nom de plume. Yes. Individual insurance policies are horrible. Their rates are grossly high. That's what the ACA was supposed to be centered around - putting all those individuals into some kind of a "Group" so the insurers could provide coverage at better rates. Of course, the fact that men had to have OBGYN visits covered and seniors paying for birth control, etc., (because... "fair") just helped sink that ship down the toilet of bad ideas.
  2. to you, to them. They're about to get what they've been planning for, for such a very long time. PSA: Better stock up on your Hyundai parts and Sanyo TVs, etc. They might be getting very scarce very soon.
  3. Reliving memories of him dry-humping Michael Jordan on the hardwood after winning the NBA Championship on a game-winning last second shot. I just so miss B. O. He would keep us safe. He had a pen and a phone and would never have allowed Kim Jung Mentally-Ill get nukes and missiles that could hit our country. Anybody thinking Trumpet is going to launch the Hellstorm on RNK by his own should think about the generals he has running the show. There have been plans to rekindle the Korean War ever since 1953. The North Koreans have never abandoned their desire to unify the peninsula. The western political powers took their eye off the ball and the feckless previous POTUS was more concerned about making Muslims proud of their contributions to NASA and providing sex-change operations to servicemen than in keeping the homeland safe. You may hate Trump's guts to the core, but he's in the big chair right now, and all of our dicks are in a bigger noose than what JFK put them in back in '62.
  4. The 48 United States of America... making America great again.
  5. I'd feel so much safer if Hillary were POTUS. She'd know what to do. Pro'lly let them nuke Hawaii and Alaska without any retaliation just to show she's tolerant and there'd be two more states she could ignore on her next campaign. FORWARD!
  6. Why doesn't he do something really effective, like declaring a red line in the sand? That should do it.
  7. Creating more chaos perhaps? Assisting the coup? Preserving their own power? Healthcare insurance reform has them in a stranglehold. Their failure to produce a viable path to unraveling the ACA abortion has them doomed. Without savings from that Jonah, they can't get real tax reductions in place. Forget about tax reform. That will take a bipartisan effort and the chances of that are smaller than The Bills winning the Super Bowl in 2018.
  8. It's true. We as a country are in an inevitable slide toward centralized medical care. Republicans have not produced a principled resistance to that end game. I'm all for helping people out, but the ACA was a shi tshow of clusters each f ucking the other. They were powerless when it was rammed down our throats like Bills wad down Monica's. Their objections were weak and their concepts for helping Americans with healthcare insurance relief leaned more left than the Tower of Pisa looking at it from the North. A pox on both their houses.
  9. What do you think about Obama's Ambassador to Japan?
  10. Oh yeah, Why wouldn't the owner want to have his girlfriend around telling him how to run his business? Should be real good at filling the seats and selling their merchandise no doubt.
  11. They checked his spleen on the sidelines and it was okay. Trainers slapped him on the azz cheeks and sent him back in to play.
  12. Bad hair Socially awkward Polarizing stances Tweets too much Surrounded by media circus wherever he goes Sounds like Kap's the Donald Trump of the NFL.
  13. Has he hired even one? All of the 16 he's hired so far are solidly Democrat. WTF?
  14. Harry Truman completely gutted the place. You do know that - don't you? And compared to the gold gilded palaces he's accustomed to, it probably is a bit shabby.
  15. Ssssshhhhhh! Don't say nuttin'! Does Dems dat be listenin' in just wonts beliefs ya nohow.
  16. Well to be fair scoliosis of the liver is no joking matter.
  17. The government should get the hell out of the insurance business for the masses. They could make it illegal for insurers to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions - but allow them to charge somewhat higher premiums to insure those folks. If they're too high for the needy, then I'd be okay with some subsidies to alleviate the burden. The only legitimate place they have in that space would be to provide catastrophic coverage like they currently do for kidney disease. Healthcare insurance is not a right by natural law.
  18. He should definitely try to get tix to a Mets game... on the off-chance that they call up Tebow from the minors.
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