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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Like the EPA. They're great at telling people how to live, what they can and cannot do. I can see it now, they'll concoct some dummy data that proves that hate speech increases global warming. Ergo, it must be banned.
  2. Tyrod will be traded if and only if the moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars.
  3. YOU know your football. But rules are made to be broken! [/pats***team&fans]
  4. We might be saved by the dawn of a new ice age. That's about all that will keep these idiots on both sides off the streets.
  5. situations where the outcome is still
  6. I've encountered that a lot too. When it happens now, I just deck it. Have to look ahead and behind to make sure the police aren't in the area, but I just bury that kind of turd in my dust. On another note... my worst traffic nightmare was going westbound on the GWB. We got to within 5 miles of the bridge when traffic came to a complete halt. They had closed the upper deck for emergency repairs, so all traffic was funneled to the lower deck. It took five hours to travel those five miles and I do not exaggerate the time or distance one iota. That was absolutely the worst jam-up I've ever been in, and I've driven through LA at rush hour and around DC and Richmond a fair amount. The second worst jam-up I've ever been in was another time crossing the GWB and a two hour back-up on the Cross Bronx Expressway. I will never take the route again... ever.
  7. Some of these people weren't working for the government, if I've read things correctly. They were working for the DNC and Hillary's campaign.
  8. Could be the proof in the pudding. Every player shown on the highlights are now outta here except TT, Clay, and Walt Powell. EJ - check Cassel - check Marquis Goodwin - check Ron Darby - check
  9. If this story continues to walk down the path of the current direction, I suspect there could be treason trials for some folks who have done their utmost to derail the Trump presidency. There appears to be the makings for charges of conspiracy, fraud, slander at the very least. It's despicable behavior.
  10. I highly doubt it was sprung on McDermott and the Pegulas or was any kind of a surprise to them. Think of it as putting in an offer to buy a house. Your agent knows if the offer is accepted before you do. They tell you it's a done deal, once it becomes a done deal. Front offices constantly talk over player evaluations and research possible moves with other teams. Most never come to much.
  11. Beane traded him to the Jints for a TC reporter to be named later.
  12. The first year of the draft they got up to around #205 or so. I was a little higher than that. no pun intended.
  13. So Billsy. They sign a good player and then don't use him.
  14. Cheers to you, and a "watchable" Bills season.
  15. More stank from the Left. A Congresscritter accuses Dana Loesch of being a "national security threat."
  16. Ike also started our military involvement in Viet Nam.
  17. So there is no opioid addiction problem in America, I take it. And Trump's just a fool for trying to address the (non)issue. Got it. FORWARD to Impeachment!!!
  18. This the most drool-infused international stand-off in world history. Yeah, I'd go with "since Gulf War II". This is perhaps the winner of "in the history of the world."
  19. You've been away too long. GG's been on Trump's azz from before day 1. Thus it was written. It is canon. Thus shall it be. Echoes of "Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office" swirl around newsrooms everywhere. It's dense in the air, like a fog of opium smoke. He is in a League of his own... and owning.
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