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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The death marches. You forgot to mention the death marches. No TRUE racist would not have death marches. By the way, welcome back KTFABD. You've singlehandedly elevated the left's collective IQ here by about 140 points.
  2. B-Man, yer such a kill-joy. You singlehandedly popped two balloons full of hot air that the POTUS haters were having such a good time with.
  3. Long overdue. Congrats, and RIP. He was a punishing runner. He'd beat the hell out of the defense. A little Cookie anecdote from Paul Maguire.
  4. The one closest to the auto has a cell phone in his hand. His revolver is in his holster.
  5. My daughter is too. We used to think she was "car sick" but she later determined it was eggs. So, perhaps if we go back to eating animals from nose to tail it might be beneficial. Here's a link to an English butcher who's in tune with the old ways. And, don't get your nickers in a twist about the name of the dish it's legit and not a slur.
  6. He never should have moved Peters to OT. Would have been a HOF TE.
  7. Life's a B word when it's your ox that's getting gored. Not a peep from you about B. O.'s heavy-handed imperial presidency. Perhaps the problem is there's too much power vested in that office and the only time it's confronted is when it's occupied by a Republican.
  8. It just might have. She might have already sent some nukes to Lil' Kim... with their fuses lit. Of course, unless Vlad gave her "foundation" another $200 million.
  9. Unbelievable amount of damage and destruction this hurricane has caused. I just hope the toll in human lives is minimal.
  10. You should see a doctor about your drip, drip, drip.
  11. It seems they're in full-purge-of-the-past mode. It's Opie and Beaner's team now.
  12. Ron McDole looked good for the District of Columbia's team for a few years. OJ in San Fransisco, not so much.
  13. "i comes before e" so it looks like we've already through with Winning.
  14. Chuck Knox said something along the lines that, Buffalo is a coaches graveyard. It's true.
  15. And I'm glad for Adolphus Washington. And glad we added Keith Wenning. Have you heard - TT and our #3 QB are both out for this week.
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