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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Quote“I believe this is going to be a national attraction,” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said during a stop here in early August to announce a promotional package for the center, predicting scores of jobs and millions of dollars for the local economy. “You are already hitting it out of the park.” I think he should have said that Jamestown is "punching above their weight."
  2. I'm not complaining... yet. I'll wait till after I see this broadcast gift-to-me game.
  3. Mrs. Doubtfire's first year class made it to their first day of school without any injuries too. Coincidence... I think not.
  4. A belated Happy Birthday CGF. You're a youngster.
  5. "You're gonna love my nuts." http://youtu.be/4O-SX_W0lrQ
  6. I had an A6 and hit a dear head-on with it. Got the car fixed, but it had a rattle that couldn't be diagnosed and fixed. We got another A6 to replace it. Best driving cars I've ever owned till I got the Range Rover Sport - which is a whole different animal.
  7. First I've heard anything about Tikaboo Peak since she threw her father down a staircase... in self defense, of course. Question: Will these aliens be grandfathered in under DACA or some other government protection or will they be sent home? If they are sent back will that trigger Vagina costume wearing women marches across the desert? Inquiring minds want to know.
  8. I heard they made him an offer but his agent nixed it because it didn't include him starring with his band in the halftime show and it didn't allow for a Flutie Flakes concession stand at each entrance to The Ralph. PLUS they wouldn't go for a 90/10 split on the autographs and jersey sales.
  9. What we need to do to keep the mediocrity level at it's lowly norm is to change coaching staffs every 2 years and get a new GM every 6 years. GMs build a team to fit a coaching staff's plan. If the O and D philosophies remain similar, perhaps you can hire a bum HC and dismiss him early. But it you're hiring a 3-4 defensive HC who likes cover two, then go to an offensive minded HC who likes a jitterbug toy, then toss him in the s hitter after 2-3 years, then hire another clown who has no NFL Head coaching experience but runs a 4-3, then replace him after a year with a jerk-on head case who thinks he's god's gift to the NFL... The Bills' front office has been in a 2-3 year rebuilding process that restarts every 2-3 years. Right now the current FO de jour is jettisoning some decent players that were drafted for the LAST coaching squad that held residence in the revolving chambers of the coaching graveyard that is One Bills Drive. Maybe they got it right this time with Opie and his tar-heel friends. Lord knows I hope so, but until the coaching merry-go-round comes to a standstill there won't be any long term success that I can foresee that returns The Bills to relevancy in the NFL. Go Bills!
  10. The little f uck wad. I'm going to China next month. Might not make it there and back again thanks to this little turd. And a special thanks to his enablers of which there have been far too many.
  11. Beat me to it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=XxWTDcP9Y5E
  12. Maybe he'll introduce a bill to retroactively take back Washington's expenses during the campaign for Independence.
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