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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes, their "fans" will take solace in that, but by the end of this season I hope they'll look like this:
  2. Well, they are ugly, hateful, mean, spiteful, and nasty people.
  3. Life imitating art: Maybe this is what scared him out of the White House...
  4. Lots of snow birders have apartments in Brooklyn and a condo in Florida. I'd love to have those records examined.
  5. Manafort (sp?) will probably get convicted at least of not registering as a lobbyist. There might be others too. But what a waste of time and the psyche of the nation. Dems are sore, sore, sore, sore... butt sore losers. And Hillary is the sorriest sore loser of them all.
  6. IN case you don't know... he's probably out for the entire year.
  7. The Bills will not go winless this season. It's bold and a bit out there, I know. But that's how I roll.
  8. Yer God-damned right! "Clinton unloads on Sanders, mocking his policy proposals as pie-in-the-sky fantasies and ripping his supporters on social media — the so-called Bernie bros — as sexist. Clinton says that Sanders’s attacks did 'lasting damage' to her general election hopes. She accuses him of 'paving the way' for Trump to cast her as a corrupt corporate stooge deserving of the nickname 'Crooked Hillary'.”
  9. Not really appropriate for the main board, don't cha think? Prices should go down a matching 20% perhaps. After all, greedy gas station owners and oil companies that don't pay any taxes shouldn't be rewarded with a windfall... amirite? [/occupyspaceBLMSJWANTIFALeftists] Orange juice futures. Eating oranges come from California and South Africa and Israel. Nope 3.5 and regressing toward the mean. And... its Lupus. It's always Lupus.
  10. Drop the "s" from the hyper text transfer protocol prefix of the url's address. It works most of the time.
  11. Persons entering the US illegally are more inclined to criminal activity. "the Government Accountability Office released two unsettling reports in 2005 on criminal aliens who are in prison for committing crimes in the United States, and issued an updated report in 2011. The first report (GAO-05-337R) found that criminal aliens (both legal and illegal) make up 27 percent of all federal prisoners. Yet according to the Center for Immigration Studies, non-citizens are only about nine percent of the nation’s adult population. Thus, judging by the numbers in federal prisons alone, non-citizens commit federal crimes at three times the rate of citizens. The findings in the second report (GAO-05-646R) are even more disturbing. This report looked at the criminal histories of 55,322 aliens that “entered the country illegally and were still illegally in the country at the time of their incarceration in federal or state prison or local jail during fiscal year 2003.” Those 55,322 illegal aliens had been arrested 459,614 times, an average of 8.3 arrests per illegal alien, and had committed almost 700,000 criminal offenses, an average of roughly 12.7 offenses per illegal alien. Out of all of the arrests, 12 percent were for violent crimes such as murder, robbery, assault and sex-related crimes; 15 percent were for burglary, larceny, theft and property damage; 24 percent were for drug offenses; and the remaining offenses were for DUI, fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, weapons, immigration, and obstruction of justice. The 2011 GAO report wasn’t much different. It looked at 251,000 criminal aliens in federal, state, and local prisons and jails. Those aliens were arrested nearly 1.7 million times for close to three million criminal offenses. Sixty-eight percent of those in federal prison and 66 percent of those in state prisons were from Mexico. Their offenses ranged from homicide and kidnapping to drugs, burglary, and larceny."
  12. And I thought this was about the FO trading Sammy, et al.
  13. 5 Nurses suspended after admiring a patient's genitals.
  14. No. He's not an ideologue. He's without scruples. It's not "his own party". They despise him for the most part - in case you haven't been watching. He was a Democrat for about the first 60 years of his life and they loved him, loved his money, loved his panache, loved basking in his limelight. LA's right. It would be absolutely EPIC if he turned back to them. WTF would they do to backpedal effectively enough to embrace him as a "Democrat" and flush down the horses hit that they've been hurling at him since he became the presumptive nominee of the GOP. Clue: Gator and Baskin among other with lose their collective minds - such as they are. And MSNBC will implode. What will AntiFa do? What will BLM do? hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! I hope it happens. They're all Nazis. NAZIS I tell ya. They should be burned at the stake (or steak in the case of the knuckle-dragging-AntiFa) and have their personal wealth seized and used to fund a great pizza party for the needy protesters. Go f uck yourselves you treasonous bastards!
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