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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That's next. Egg donation... frees up the oppressed female gender from the arduous task of childbearing and delivery.
  2. Charlie used to be quite the right winger. He was instrumental in outing Dan Rather's obscene forgery against W. Then he got his nose bent after going down a wormhole and became a virulent leftist. littlegreenfootballs sorta like the conversion Arianna had.
  3. CBS used color adjustments to make Steve Bannon look bad. “It seems like 60 minutes would like you to listen less and look more at Steve Bannon. By subtly tweaking the color of the video, they make him look like a bleary-eyed drunk. I show you how they did it,” writes Duke on the video’s YouTube page.
  4. Some time in a federal pound-them-up-the-azz prison perhaps?
  5. She'd be perfect in a re-filming of Great Expectations as Miss Haversham "As an image of the withered bride jilted at the altar, living in a state of perpetual mourning for what might have been, she is magnificent." "It is her appearance that is so haunting, dressed all in white, but of a white which had long ago “lost its lustre, and was faded and yellow”; a cross between a waxwork and a skeleton." "And this brittle, damaged woman we begin by pitying comes to turn such misery both on Estella, the daughter she has brought up as her own, and Pip, the young man she champions and – in the end – betrays. She perceives herself as a defender of the rights of women – but her victories on men are so petty and so vindictive." Typecasting at it's best!
  6. Jackie Kennedy was a debutante and quite the fashion plate in her day. The media absolutely fawned over her just like they did Ann Romney and now Melania. Oh wait...
  7. Well, that young man has some flexible ankles to be sure. Man, that did not look good. May the Schwartz be with him!
  8. I'm not sure about "a lot of idiot fans in Buffalo" but I can think of at least one.
  9. The flip side of that coin is when posters make threads about former Bills players and tout their successes away from Buffalo. They're told to shut up, it doesn't matter because they're no longer playing in Buffalo. It cuts both ways. Frankly, I hope Marrone gets fired after this season because he's a turd. But that's JMHO.
  10. Well, you could get a head start right now on Week 3's matchup with Denver.
  11. Instead of carbon taxing the krauts, they should stick to fixing their terrible emissions on their over-priced cars. That'd be a start.
  12. I dunno. He sure looks like his face could have been attacked by rabid worms.
  13. They should bring John Brennan and James Clapper in along with Comey.
  14. I did not know earthworms could get rabies. See - that's why I come here. Ya learn sumpfin new every day. Every day! I don't normally go after folks because of their appearance, but rabid earthworms is a real possibility given how his face looks at times.
  15. Biggest positive is that The Bills won and are in 1st place in the AFCE right now.
  16. Buffalo Bills 1-0-0 NY Jets. 0-1-0 NE Pats* 0-1-0 Miami 0-0-0 Only one winning team in the AFCE after week one... or make that week won.
  17. Wrong. The government turns to them. People turn to families, their church, their insurance company, and charities if need be.
  18. How many snaps did he have. I've only seen the first half and it looked like he wasn't on the field for much of it. Though the TV doesn't show everything.
  19. It's just a double standard. Surprise, surprise, surprise. The Saudi royal family has been paying off the extremists in their own country for decades just to stay in power. They like their US made military toys too much and of course, the power that they bring. The machinations in the Middle East make GOT look like a two dimensional board game.
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