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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. From a Right Wing Rag... "As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well. And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." Such a coincidence!
  2. Land Rovers adopted the Ford system (or vice-versa) of heated windshields. They have thousands of very thin wires embedded in the glass. Clears the fogged window up in a flash, but blocks the transponder in most cases. Though the manual says it might work below the mirror - but that might also interfere with the other electronics that are located there. I just put one on the LP. Simple solution for a simpleton like me.
  3. No. There were prison revolts because they fed them lobster 3-4 times a week, week in and week out. That's cruel and inhumane punishment, and I love lobster. Moderation is the key.
  4. can't get enough of, but have to wash it down with
  5. A new automated response to go with your elevated status. <THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE.> You stupid !@#$ing maroon. Your post is full of ****. You don't have the brains of a flea and know nothing about football. In fact, you don't even know how to WATCH football. So shut the !@#$ up, and don't ever even try to start another thread here until you're at least 12 years old... !@#$ing twit. You'd have a ball making up some new ones.
  6. What you don't get is that most folks just want to live peaceful lives and have a safe environment for their families and friends. You sound like the CIS middle aged white guys are going to start armed mobs and go into the hood and wipe out the bad guys. Most of the shootings are black on black gang warfare. What are the police doing about it? What is their mayor doing about it? Their council-members? Your side advocates essentially disarming the peaceful folk and doing absolutely nothing to control the bad guys. That doesn't sound very fair now, does it?
  7. This sounds like a Chuck Wepner Vs. Muhammad Ali fight.
  8. Did Opie hire an Offensive Coordinator or is he calling the Offense himself? Stunningly effective play calling.
  9. True. The real genius was Aldus Manutius. He printed porn, which along with the low cost of "mass produced" books (compared to the traditional scribed-by-hand books) drove up the demand to learn how to read exponentially. He made money. Gutenberg died a pauper.
  10. At least she was smiling at him. On the other hand, who could forget this priceless little FOTUS moment?
  11. Got it. They will scan your LP. Just don't know if it'll cost you more, or how much more than with a transponder. I have the same issue with my new SUV. I got an outside one that mounts (unsecured) on the LP holder. It could easily be swiped. But then again, should that happen, I'd just call up and report it as stolen.
  12. Binge watching GOT now. Wife rejected it when it first came out. She doesn't like movies featuring actors with long greasy locks, dirty fingernails, and bad dentition, hacking and whacking each other to bits. Finally got her past that and we're in the middle of Season 4. I think it was the nudity that did it. Now, with all the killing and hacking she can't sleep at night and is very anxious about our children. It may be time to take a break and let the adrenaline blood level to get back to normal.
  13. Not sure, really. Probably though. They incur costs in snail mailing you your bill. I have eZPass on all my cars, and have since they first became available. I guess Mass and others are getting fed up with the luddites who haven't bought into the system. Toll booths are so 20th Century.
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