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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sounds like it's time for a little music...
  2. Hoo new Paul was a transvestite multi-millionaire?
  3. What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies.
  4. I got yer Sammy watch, right here pal!
  5. James Comey lied to Congress while he was under oath. "This means the wiretapping was authorized more than ten months ago and perhaps more than a year ago. It was presumably a tough decision for a judge to issue a secret warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, enabling the administration to spy on someone connected with the presidential campaign of its political adversaries. One would presumably only approve such an order if the request presented by the executive branch was highly compelling and likely to produce evidence that the subject of the wiretap was in fact working with Russia to disrupt U.S. elections. Roughly a year later, as the public still waits for such evidence, this column wonders how this judge is feeling now, especially now that CNN has reported that at least two of its three sources believe the resulting evidence is inconclusive. It seems reasonable for the public to know exactly which officials made this decision and who else they consulted or informed of their surveillance plans. Was the President briefed on the details of this investigation?"
  6. Trump was wiretapped. End of story. https://youtu.be/FePQjzz3x8Y https://youtu.be/rCUQS8LIhq4
  7. This is getting personal. !@#$ers are just trying to keep me from getting to see the Great Wall and the Terra-cotta Army.
  8. I have a friend back in Princeton who refuses to go shopping. He'll drive his wife to the grocery store and will sit in the car waiting for her to buy things and bring them back to the car. That to me is...
  9. He doesn't trust himself to own a gun, probably because he thinks that if he did, he'd go Postal when someone cut him off on the freeway. And, because he has these thoughts and feelings, he believes everyone else has them and would do that if they had a loaded Glock in the glovebox.
  10. Absolutely! But this isn't such a new phenomena. I recall decades ago, an old chum who had lived in NYC for a few years came back to visit in bucolic Roch-cha-cha. One night a group of mutual friends came over, rang the doorbell and came in. My friend asked me, "Does that happen often?" I asked back, what do you mean - people come over and drop in unannounced and it's okay? Friend said, "that never happens in the city. You don't do that. You call first."
  11. There should be an App for that. [/bunwearinghipster]
  12. How could that be? The government knows best. They're efficient. They know how to negotiate lower costs from insurance companies and Pharma too. If the ACA has shown us anything - it's the veracity of those statements. Lower premiums - check. Keep your healthcare plan - check. Keep your Doctor - check. 30 million more people insured - check.
  13. I haven't been a regular there in months. Been back more recently than I was most of last year. Even before the dregs from BBMB was turned off there was a constant drumbeat of negativity over there and a couple of nasty fights got going. One of which was flung over here. We lost a mod over that one. But now it comes across like the seventh graders at Public School #3 were given access to the swimming pool and they're busily turning it into a cesspool.
  14. Stop colluding with gatorgal. The IC could target you and label you as idiots. And the MSM would run with the story for months. There could be investigations, and it could get nasty for you and everyone that you know and knows you and has ever laid fingertips to a keyboard too!
  15. They just make up any lie and throw it at the wall. Hear about Trump and Russia hacking the election? It's hot news!
  16. Slobbering kisses all around at the Just Another Gay Unwashed And Reprobate Southerner facility today.
  17. So did anybody do a McLovin' lawn job on the rookie's front yard? Seems like Zay might be getting sized up for run out of town by a torch-carrying mob.
  18. Taking the high road, or just taking filthy money from filthy Wall Street?
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