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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes. They won, but they didn't dominate. They didn't really dominate. No True NFL Great Team doesn't dominate against an inferior opponent. No True Bills Fan can be comfortable with a win such as this. It's almost worst than losing. [/fanswithself-imageissues]
  2. I wonder if these politicians faced a choice between this high speed rail and giving more handouts to their constituency what would they do?
  3. Time for a little history lesson for some folks.
  4. Obviously it's a reaction to Trump's vicious attack on kneelers who are taking a knee for humanity.
  5. That's where the R leadership failed him and the country. They couldn't wait to get Obamacare repealed and they convinced him that his tax cuts had to be tied to reduced ACA spending. But the blood lust of his enemies and rivals successfully thwarted that strategy. It remains to be seen what tax reform will look like, but it appears more and more unlikely that they'll be made retroactive to 1/1/2017.
  6. Maybe it's because they have been marinating in a no-growth economy for so long and the great stimulous efforts of the Summers of Recovery I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII produced 2% growth in spite of the Herculean efforts of the central socialist government. If the best efforts of the central socialist government gets puny results like that after spending trillions, then they're in disbelief that not forcibly taking money from the citizenry and letting the great unwashed keep it for their own use will produce any greater economic growth. All they can "see" is the central socialist government would be taking in less. Pay no attention to the 30 million unemployed people standing behind that curtain! They need another 99 weeks of unemployment benefits more than they need jobs. The great and powerful CBO has spoken!
  7. Right. And the $2,000 I donated has yet to get to the victims of that disaster. FU.
  8. Clearly a case of police brutality. This evidence should boost his lawsuit against the fascist pigs. [/ChrisCuomo]
  9. And yet, Rasmussen reports that Trump has a 45% approval rating among likely voters.
  10. Price is a turd. He should never have done that. Paying back the money just reminds me of Tim Geithner who was also a weasel who paid back taxes he owed just so he could become Treasury Secretary.
  11. Can someone explain to me like I'm five how the Alternative Minimum Tax which was instituted in 1969 because 155 people who earned over $200,000 a year and used their legal deductions to minimize their Federal tax liability to zero, and which AMT was "tied to inflation" in 2013, currently gets tripped if you make only $54,300 (in 2017)? "You could owe AMT if taxable income for these tax years exceeds: Filing status 2016 tax year 2017 tax year Single or head of household $53,900 $54,300 Married, filling separately $41,900 $42,250 Married, filing jointly $83,800 $84,500 The AMT rejects or reduces many common tax breaks used every year by individual taxpayers to lower their IRS bills. For example, under the AMT: You cannot deduct state and local taxes. If you are 65 or older, have lots of itemized medical deductions and fall into the AMT, you’ll lose some of those write-offs. Miscellaneous itemized deductions, which must exceed 2 percent of your adjusted gross income under the regular tax system, are disallowed under the AMT. Personal exemptions may be disqualified. While mortgage interest on your main and second home is still AMT-deductible, home equity loan interest is restricted. It can’t be deducted unless the money is used solely to pay for home improvements. Real estate property taxes also are disallowed as deductions under the AMT. Some tax credits that reduce your regular tax liability do not reduce what you owe under the AMT. Once you add back these disallowed credits and run the numbers, you might be subject to a bigger IRS bill if your taxable income exceeds the annual AMT exemption amount for your filing status. Many of the tax breaks not allowed under the AMT system do affect predominantly wealthy individuals or businesses with complicated tax circumstances. These include:Incentive stock options. Intangible drilling costs. Tax-exempt interest from certain private activity bonds. Depletion and accelerated depreciation on certain leased personal or real property." ​​​Sourcehttp://www.bankrate.com/finance/taxes/alternative-minimum-tax-costly-complicated-1.aspx
  12. Exactly. Just shut up and play the damn game that the fans have paid to see. Do your protesting elsewhere. LAMP has an expanded meaning now... Look At Me Protestors.
  13. They need bulldozers, payloads, and bobcats and dump trucks more than they need a fleet of supply-laden ships anchored off port. Imagine trying to get supplies to Buffalo from Albany if there were 3,000 roadblocks of twisted wreckage, downed trees, rubble, and other detritus on the Thruway and all of the bridges were out. Case in point. This is the brother of the "immigrant" Governor of New York. http://youtu.be/x1vdFVLUdwc
  14. Oh well, you know what they say... blind nut and the squirrel and all.
  15. Correct. I slipped on that. Adams did however write the first preamble - on May 19th and that was focused on PA and MD who were governed more tightly by the Crown. Regardless, the Pursuit of Happiness is not codified in the Constitution. It's an ethos expressed in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence. It did indeed. Face it. Slavery was the mindset of that era. It's horrible, but slaves were chattel - just like women. They were considered possessions and the cheapest labor available. That's an ugly reality. And if the internal combustion engine were invented in the 1600's there would likely be very few African Americans living in the US today. And watching the NFL would then be like watching College LAX or Alabama football pre-1971.
  16. https://www.democraticleader.gov/newsroom/92817/ "Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks of the Floor of the House of Representatives following Whip Steve Scalise’s return to the House of Representatives after being shot during an attack at a Congressional Baseball Practice in June. Below are the Leader’s remarks: Leader Pelosi. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I ask for your consent to speak out of order to join you in thanking God for the return of our colleague [Congressman] Steve Scalise and to have him do so in such a strong way. You were brief, Mr. Speaker; I’ll be even briefer. Thank God our prayers were answered. I take great pride in Steve because we’re both Italian Americans and I think that’s the source of some of his strength. Right, Steve? I, too, want to say how proud we are of Jennifer, Harrison and Madison and of your staff and of our first responders, our Capitol Police who took such good care of you. But if it is, as you said, ‘an attack on you is an attack on all,’ we all came through this magnificently because of your strength. So the power of Steve Scalise. The day we came to the Floor when you weren’t here, we were all Team Scalise. Today we are Team Scalise. Thank you for being so wonderful. God bless you." Yes, she might be fos Kelly, but for a moment, albeit a brief one, I agreed with her. Of course, later in the day she went back to attacking Republicans on gun legislation, but for that brief moment there was a difference in the air.
  17. Nope. Adams. Jeff had the Constitution. Adams was addressing Pennsylvania and Maryland's particular setup with the Crown. Try again.
  18. I heard her address Congress today after the return of Congressman Anthony Scalise to the Capitol, and was moved by her remarks. I thought they were genuine. It was perhaps the only time I've heard her make a truly bi-partisan speech. I wanted to post her remarks here, but couldn't find it on the intarwebs. Perhaps it's too soon. I will look again later.
  19. And if Ginsburg were a man, she'd be a law clerk in some Manhattan legal firm.
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