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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He did alright for him self, being a little drummer boy from Nebraska and all.
  2. So you're saying there was tube steak involved?
  3. On second thought, there are a few threads on OTW that might be worth saving. I'm thinking of the cooking threads e.g., Sous Vide, and Pizza and the What Show to Watch Next threads have some info that would be missed. Anyway to put those in a Penseive for posterity?
  4. Here's an update on the Sammy Watch:
  5. Many think that the RNK is going to do something rash on Columbus Day (observed) October 9th. October 1st through 8th is the celebration week of "National Day"in China. I'll try posting from China... if I'm not radioactive or a political prisoner.
  6. And unite his useful stooges to that end. There is no end to the lengths they won't go to promote a coup in this country. What a waste of time and effort on the part of so many. Hope they keep their full body sized vagina costumes laundered.
  7. I use consommé, not beef broth. This comes out slammin'! Texas Oven-Roasted Beef Brisket Total time: 4 hrs. 10 minutes Active: 10 minutes Yields 10 servings Ingredients 2 tablespoons chili powder (feel free to add about 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to give this a bit more of a hot kick) 1-tablespoon salt (the original recipe called for two Tbsp., but we thought that was too salty) 1-tablespoon garlic powder 1-tablespoon onion powder 1-tablespoon ground black pepper 1-tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons dry mustard 1 or two bay leaves, crushed 4 pounds beef brisket, trimmed – but leave on a good amount of fat on the outside (about ¼”) 1 can of consommé and about ½ cup water OR (1 ½ cups beef stock) Directions Preheat oven to 350° Fahrenheit Make a dry rub by combining chili powder, salt, garlic and onion powders, black pepper, sugar, dry mustard and bay leaf. Season the raw brisket on both sides with the rub. Place in a roasting pan and roast, uncovered, for 1 hour. Add beef stock and enough water to yield about ½ inch of liquid in the roasting pan. Lower oven to 300° F, cover pan tightly with aluminum foil (tent it to keep the foil off the meat), and continue cooking for 3 hours, or until fork-tender. Trim the fat as desired, and slice meat thinly across the grain. Top with juice from the pan. Adopted from: https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/smokerless-smoked-brisket
  8. Unheralded? Well, let me fix that right now.
  9. Yes. It feels a lot like it did in February of 1917 in Petrograd. FORWARD Comrade!!! FORWARD!!! Oh, and don't forget to wear your Che shirt.
  10. It's just too bad that Keith Ellison lost out to Thomas Perez for head honcho of the DNC. It would have been so good to hear him bashing that other gutter religion.
  11. It's also in large part the ethos of this New Lost Generation. They're inept, powerless, penniless, with little in the way of prospects for a decent future. They have little to do but get high and hang out all day. They look backwards at the 60s and 70s with reverence because there were social causes that were acted on in the streets. Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, Women's Rights, Doper Rights and their existence and contribution are paltry in comparison. Hell, the music was way better back then... and movies and American culture in general. Education was way better then too. The New Lost Generation are quite a collection of Losers. My 2¢.
  12. Yes. Jr High and Sr High. 1960-1966. Gym class was a mix of all grade levels. Always thought the swim coach was weird. "Skins back!" Didn't know WTF he was talking about. Talk about intimidating. The Seniors recoiled in horror when their gaze met my battering ram.
  13. You're talking about saving photos that you've taken on your iPad? Or transferring photos from someplace else?
  14. Yer gettin' warm Dog. Ya could be onta sumpfin there.
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