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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We’ll, don’t expect Wood and Incognito to hang around much longer. I don’t.
  2. Cindy, your post made me log in again. Hugs to you, a friend I’ve never met in person. October 1st... a date we share. Stay strong.
  3. Certainly with that admission and your continual hosting of this website, no one can ever question your constitution. Strangely, somehow it reminded me of...
  4. Congrats and Happy Thanksgiving to you CGF. And, I hope you learned it isn't the "Macy's Day Parade" in spite of what some New Yorkers call it.
  5. Gee, I guess I missed the bipartisan support for Supreme Court Justice nominations and the ACA's cramming down our throats as well as its repeal and now tax "reform". Those should all be a piece of cake... amirite?
  6. Ah, yes. Operation Uranus. Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus has the distinction of being the only German Field Marshal to surrender... ever. Lived out his post-war prisoner time in Dresden. Died in '57 of ALS.
  7. Well to be fair, The Bills started this precedent by keeping their players in the Locker room during the entire game. They did that or they put them on other teams’ rosters so they wouldn’t have to deal with them. :
  8. Maybe the sound I’m not hearing is the sound the murderous burglar isn’t making when he isn’t entering my house to rob me blind and throttle me dead.
  9. Probably padded his resume on the sperm bank’s donation form.
  10. Repeal the payroll tax. Make people write checks to the IRS quarterly for what they "owe" Big Brother.
  11. It's a tit for tat. Dems uncovered Roy Moore, GOP pulls back the backstage curtain on Stuart Smalley, because Mendez skated. The balance of power in the Senate is at stake.
  12. Fu ck all those sleezebag bastages. Why are taxpayers on the hook to payoff their victims for misdeeds done by our elected officials? THAT's an onerous outrage. $15 million in settlements for sexual harassment by The House in just the last decade.
  13. Please define "rich". I'm glad they're doing away with the alternative minimum tax. However, taking away some of the SALT deductions will have the effect of putting the AMT on thousand more of my countrymen. I couldn't be happier . Welcome to my world. The AMT and the ACA surtax are an abomination and all citizens should be incensed at any politician that sees them as a source of revenue for their own seat of power. Wyden is a case in point. He's never met a tax he hasn't loved. It's not his money, it's ours. If dropping the individual mandate means 16 million people will drop their worthless and expensive policies, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
  14. Conversely to their brilliant analysis, Peterman could take The Bills to the playoffs and that would make TT all the more expendable and the FO could say they're building the team around Nate, or if he doesn't break through that barrier, they've got a clean slate to go get the QB of their dreams... Peyton Brett Tom Unitas. He should be easy to find.
  15. What CNN reported: Trump feeds fish, winds up pouring entire box of food into koi pond!
  16. And yet the *Aints called his actions a "sad and divisive" discourse. F uck you NFL. I hardly watch this crap anymore. I don't need you in my life.
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