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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That's about right, but when has the Senate ever considered bringing ethics charges against a sitting Senator when the events occurred prior to his becoming a Senator. Franken skated and will probably get reelected to boot.
  2. I have the heat on in my house today. It's definitely getting warmer inside.
  3. It’s somewhat amusing but sad really how much attention to detail the legislative processes garner when the shoe is on the other foot and it’s their ox that’s getting gored. The left deserves a severe ass pounding for the **** they drove through during the B O regime. And they’re squealing like Ned Beatty in anticipation.
  4. Which is “Blackie” in German.
  5. Bull ****. How many demonstrations of women with their hair died blue/pink/purple dressed in full body size vagina costumes so they could lecture us on “human dignity”?
  6. This will cause a world-wide depression. It’s simply not good for business.
  7. Bull ****. It’s an American tradition to rally behind the current POTUS regardless of whether it’s the person you wanted to hold that office. But it the bitter opposition from the Left to “RESIST!” deny and obstruct is now at a new level. Trump won. Get over it. Or, lie down in the street and get run over by people who want to get the country moving forward and not toward a dystopian “socialist paradise” but one based on traditional American values.
  8. I find people who wear players NFL jerseys offensive. It’s moronic to wear the laundry of another man. It’s something that started in high school when a player let his girl wear his jersey to show they were “going steady”. Back then at least the player’s name emblazoned on it. Good grief. Have some self awareness. I also think the Scally cap is a dog whistle for northern racists. These people should be sent to re-education camps to cure them of their diversity-driven anti conformity instincts that are detrimental to society.
  9. Trump should tell Xi that we're sending nuclear tipped missiles to both South Korea and Japan.
  10. Is it quicker to New York, or by bus? Did you walk to work, or take your lunch?
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lakoff Actually, it was “professor” George Lakoff (jack-off) who originated that and other phrases that the Left weaponized to their benefit.
  12. And the Rooskies "knew" for certain that Spassky's poor play was the result of the agency's intervention. Face it. The only CIA involvement that Lauer had was delivering cocaine that he carried in pouches in his butt to the rhythmic gymnasts and water polo teams in Rio.
  13. Now it’s Matt Lauer’s turn in the barrel. He just got canned. He must be a horrible human being.
  14. Don’t forget that the Clinton Foundation closed its doors because the funding dried up.
  15. So tell us, oh descendant of German Nazi Confederate rapers of the North American continent, just how many slaves did they hold, and how many of the females were sexually assaulted and abused by them? Tell us how you as a privileged white person have benefited from the toil of their labors that gave your Nazi white supremacist ancestors ease. If the South had won the Civil War and your family were still living there, would you sexually abuse the women and bullwhip the men when they got “uppity” like your direct forebears did? Just curious.
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