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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. MA got rid of the toll booths on the Pike completely. They scan your transponder (EZ Pass), but photograph your plates if you don't have one. Bill comes in the mail. I remember when the toll workers in NJ were threatening to go on strike. One of their issues was they wanted "Profit Sharing"!
  2. Which is how the government steals money from its people. Might makes right? Got it.
  3. And you defend Kennedy and Clinton to the end. Ted actually did collude with the Russians - as did Hillary and Bill. But that's okay, because they're liberal Democrats. Got it.
  4. What would you call a woman who slept with over 1,000 men? A paragon of virtue perhaps? Well then, just circle the wagons and point fingers.
  5. Why then do you have a boomer as your avatar? Just an ass wipe away from being extinct.
  6. Great. And what advice do you think he's receiving. BTW, I think he's creep of the first magnitude. However, we're discussing campaign tactics here. It's not at all uncommon for candidates - especially ones that are leading in the polls - to refuse to debate their opponent. It's filed under S for strategy, and T for tactics.
  7. You ain't a kiddin'. Look for Glenn Kessler to be working for another paper soon.
  8. Please don't ever try to become a Political Campaign Manager. If you don't understand how the game is played, you'll get your candidate's ticket punched to the losing line.
  9. I have not watched a full game all year. In fact, I've only "watched" about a quarter of one Jints game. That is all. The NFL is dead to me.
  10. It should never have been prevented from going into effect.
  11. Mueller's deal with Flynn will effectively shut the door on The B. O. regime's role in kneecapping the incoming Trump administration. He'll ask that all the testimony that Flynn gives him about the former regime's illegal activities be sealed in perpetuity so it will never see the light of day. The "never Trumpers" are in collusion with the Coup leaders.
  12. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE BECAUSE OF IT!!! Most of those who remain living will likely have some of their taxes reduced. Even the highest earners will probably pay less on the money in the lower brackets. The "progressive" nature of income taxes means we pay more on each bracketed amount until we reach Liberal Nirvana when all income is taken by the government.
  13. No, not at all. The average SS payment per month for a man aged 66 in 2015 was $1,504.49, and for a woman the average was $1,163.45. The difference is primarily due to women earning less which is a reflection also of their typically fewer years in the active workforce. SS Data Tables. Additionally, Medicare Part B and D are means tested. Part B premiums ($134 per month, $1,608 per year) are withheld from all SS payments, as is any Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount for both Part B (medical) and Part D (prescriptions) based on your previous year's tax returns. Some lucky individuals pay over $369.40 per month ($4,432.80 per year) in those surcharges.
  14. British taxation was one of the key reasons for the Revolutionary War. It's the people's money, people. It's the coercive governments that take it from us. The Left won't stop at taxing income, and a VAT won't make income taxes disappear. It'll just be an add-on. They covet personal wealth and that is key to their thinking and emotions. One day they will confiscate your IRAs and 401k, etc. and give you Government Bonds in return. What a country! “The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.” Will Rogers
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