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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Ted Kennedy supporter. Has he drowned any young women lately? Has he upped his count to over 1,000? Clinton supporter. Any bimbo eruptions lately? Has Bill flown on the rape plane recently?
  2. And here's the direct link to the news report that got Lynch's tit in a ringer. "According to this source, whose credentials were checked and confirmed by the Observer with sources inside both the FBI and the United States Secret Service, the attorney general was caught completely off guard by the meeting and the source dismisses suggestions that have been raised alleging that she waited there to see Bill Clinton or accommodated his request to see him. In fact, it seems from this source that it was Bill Clinton who was maneuvering for face time with the attorney general, because his plane had been scheduled to leave before hers arrived." Pasta Joe ordered the last 15 pieces to give to his coworkers as Resistmas presents.
  3. Haven't heard about any casualties yet. Pray there aren't any - except the bomber(s). But of course, it's not terrorism... just a random act of violence. It could happen anywhere.
  4. “Why don’t teams say that back in September?” James Lofton
  5. Wait. You mean they’re playing “meaningful games” in December? In December?
  6. Obama wanted every cow to be fitted with a pilot light.
  7. We’ll, where the !@#$ else would they be getting them from? The KaDeWe?
  8. Nate K-a-nocked F'n Brady's helmet off. Choice moment in time. Choice.
  9. Never doubted for a moment they'd win. My doubt lasted from 15:00 to go in the Third Quarter.
  10. Watch 'em call the same play three times in a row and have it succeed.
  11. Nah. The real standard is how badly the other side can't stand the POTUS and how many on "his" side can't stand him either or are indifferent to his removal.
  12. Look. Palin saw Russia from her house. FROM HER HOUSE! So, Trump probably did too. He's got more money than her... more houses too. Of course there was collusion. There's always collusions in Manhattan - and in the District too. There's so much auto traffic there it's an accepted fact of life in those towns. So Trump's guilty, guilty, guilty... at least by association if not by downright lying about not being in a collusion somewhere at some time perhaps even near an embassy. You know how many embassies there are in those two towns. And Russian Jewelry. What's so special about that? [/reporterroserosannadannaforCNN]
  13. Heard they might switch to Bitcoin soon. Might think about shorting The Olive Garden and Spaghetti Factory.
  14. No SHi t Chuckie. WTF do you think this war with the USIC is all about? He’s the biggest threat to their unbridled power that they’ve ever had. They want to take him down. They’re defending their turf, status, and privileged state from the one person who doesn’t care what they’re trying to do to him. So continue to cower in your safe life Chuck and continue taking orders from your masters. Vote for war and more wars, and vote often. Your handlers love you for it and they will give you all the money you need to keep you in office. Just don’t cross them. Don’t you dare.
  15. It’s easy to see what happened there. They’re colluding with conspirators who are seeking to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. They want him out by any means necessary and short of that they aim to cripple his Administration to the maximum extent possible. Never Trumpers/Deniers/Resisters all equal a steaming heap of goat custards that are disloyal to the Presidency, but are all but guaranteeing his re-election.
  16. Wonder if Huma will ever accuse Hillary of sexual misconduct and inappropriate touching.
  17. But most importantly, did the money get laundered by Deutche Bank?
  18. If you like your doctors, you can keep your doctor's period.
  19. Actually, toll roads are provided for by the Constitution. The Interstate system... not so much.
  20. Yep. He'll re-sign tomorrow. Meaning once he's out of the Senate he'll re-up with SNL. He'll be a big draw.
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