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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Dems are so all about “the right to choose.” That is of course unless they’re talking about healthcare insurance, gun ownership, schools, and cake baking.
  2. Rank? I'm sure he doesn't smell pretty after a game, but rank?
  3. Let's not forget about what Lois Lerner did either. Might I suggest you wear a flack vest and perhaps a hockey mask? 30,000,000 DEAD Russians, I might add. It's pretty cold in the Gulag Archipelago. Our guide throughout our trip to China was born during the Cultural Revolution. His parents were well educated and held properties. They were relocated to a farm along with many of their friends. His father was eventually allowed to return to Beijing and brought along his son - who was born on that farm. Mother followed them several years later. Most of their friends are still on the farm or are dead. His given name is 红卫兵 Every Chinese knows when he was born.
  4. No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. Our local government officials only have our best interests at heart. While we're at it... why hasn't anyone ever sued Microsoft and Apple for the buggy software and hardware they churn out? That's one industry that has prospered incredibly without any government intervention and they've never suffered for the ****ty products they mass produce.
  5. Because they squeeze the cable companies for “free” local channels that are used for public-centric programming. They give the contract to the company that gives them the most “free” stuff.
  6. When I’d the Left going to pay attention to the “Would Ya” stories that GBID posts so often?
  7. So you mean there's little hope he'll be available for our Playoff run?
  8. Bills’ bus breaks down on the way to the stadium in week 17. They end up forfeiting the game.
  9. Hahaha. What was even funnier to me is the “next up” video that popped up for me. Here it is. Enjoy!
  10. I knew it. I KNEW IT! That's the Libertarian's super-secret agenda known only to the Seventh Circle of Secret Initiates.
  11. It happened long before those folks were in office. It really harkens back (in relatively recent times) to WWI. The end of that saw the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the beginning of the fall of the British Empire. In truth it started before that because the political history of the world is one of tribalism. There never has been an era of peace in the world. Rulers come, and rules go. Regimes get toppled like dominos, and the winners gets to write the history. So, let's play "Foreign Policy Expert" for a bit WRT the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. A "little" history on the subject. After WWII, the Soviet Union and the US divided the country into two at the 38th parallel. The Soviets kicked the Japanese out of the country and stopped their advance at that line. The US moved in to the South. Both governments claimed full authority over the entire peninsula. Kim Il-sung became the leader of the North and he invaded the South in 1950 in the "Fatherland Liberation War" (known in the West as the Korean War). There was no end to that conflict. There was an armistice, but no peace agreement. China under Mao named the US as their principle threat in the world. Korea saw and continues to see the US as their arch enemy - the country that prevented the reunification of their nation state. They are still fighting that war. We are their enemy. Kim Jong-Il was his father's successor, and Rocket Man was his successor in turn. NK has demonstrated that they have nuclear bombs and are hastily developing ICBMs and shorter range missiles that could and in time - will be capable of delivering those weapons against their arch enemy - the US. So, what would you advise the SOS to do? Do we nuclear arm South Korea and Japan a-la what Russia did with Cuba in the 60s? Pressure Xi to remove Kim the 3rd? Start Peace talks to end the Korean War? And what price would North extract? Do we have to apologize to the North Koreans and pay them in pallets of cash?
  12. Well, there's obviously a burning need for more homeless shelters, obviously.
  13. Alf, your mind is in the gutter. You deserve Trump as your President. He tortures your mind.
  14. Wow! The 60 year old wife of disgraced DOJ Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr was employed by Fusion GPS during the campaign. She was also a CIA research aide and applied for a HAM radio license a month after meeting MI6 Agent Steele. That's one way to circumvent the NSA's wiretapping! Nah, she just suddenly discovered an urgent passion for HAM radio. "Last week U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, the judge that appears to have granted Oct ’16 FISA request, is mysteriously recused *AFTER* accepting Mike Flynn plea in the first hearing.No explanation is given for the recusal or why Judge Contreras waited until after the initial plea hearing. It would be EXPLOSIVE if it turned out the October 2016 FISA warrant was gained by deception, misleading/manipulated information, or fraud as a result of the Russian Dossier; and exponentially more explosive if the dossier was -in part- organized by the wife of an investigative member of the DOJ who was applying for the FISA warrant; the same warrant that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of the Trump campaign and General Flynn, and was authorized by FISA Court Judge Contreras."
  15. Holy ****. Did all of these !@#$s graduate from High School? WTF is wrong with them?!!! This phenomenon is getting akin to GBID’s “Hot for Teacher” threads.
  16. Upset. Me? YOU’RE the one running around here like a chicken with no feet wringing your hands and dribbling from your dick like a lunatic on crack because a Republican might take the seat that another Republican vacated. The smut that oozes from your mind unfiltered to your fingertips is enough to make a prostitute blush.
  17. Wish it were, but alas... no. Feel free to use it at your family gatherings though. I'm sure you could use it to great effect.
  18. Who said I'm voting for that creep? You probably voted for at least one of the two I mentioned... twice!
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