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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sounds Clintonian - doesn't it? Then again, B.O. out-Clintoned the Clintons, didn't he!
  2. Where do the Indians meet? No, not the ones with the feathers in their head, but the ones with the dot on their forehead? Then again, where do the feathered Indians meet?
  3. The Newhouse School of Communications produces this kind of "professional".
  4. So Nikola Tesla was right and we’ll have unlimited free electricity all across the globe?
  5. They’ll have it by the end of next year. They do have $1,700,000,000.00 in unmarked bills that was delivered on pallets in the dead of night though. That’s more than the tax relief that Americans will enjoy next year.
  6. Was, as in that was the last TG at The Ralph this year.
  7. I wonder if Horowitz can investigate the Muller probe. On a side note, I’d love to see Schiff in cuffs and being frog-marched out of his office.
  8. The Left waits with great expectation for Trump’s second term when he’ll announce that he’s stripping all African Americans of their citizenship and has plans drawn up to deport them all to Africa. And all Muslims will be rounded up and executed and the GLT communities will be put into concentration camps in Russia. Those opposing any of these moves will be given one chance to become CIS self-identified or face the fact that they will become part of “The Wall”... as part of the base.
  9. So it’s a fact. Trump colluded with the Russians to hack a terrorist plot.
  10. That were improperly obtained and in large part have fueled a giant fishing expedition. This is like watching Wicket Tuna, but it's going to end up like The Old Man and the Sea, with Schiff playing the part of the marlin and Muller playing Santiago (Spencer Tracy's) role.
  11. Oddly enough, Viking runs cruise ships on the Yangtze River in China. The boat and crew are all Chinese. Viking simply leases a Chinese-made vessel and the crew operating the ship are all Chinese nationals.
  12. Depends. Think he won’t leave office until he’s out of them.
  13. No. He’s going to divorce Melania and marry Muller. Then he’s going to return to the Democrat party and your head can then implode.
  14. Quite a leap into a cesspool there junior. Just saying, a lot like homelessness, it’s never an issue for the Left when a Dem is in power. But when the other side has power... it’s a whole different story.
  15. Other emails show that the FBI’s Obama-era FOIA office consulted a number of people from the Criminal Justice Information Services division for the purpose of singling out “suspicious” FOIA requests for possible prosecution targeting. I’d love to know what they considered a “suspicious” FOIA request. . It's a very high standard... anything that Lois Lerner would.
  16. And the Left has been such a paragon of virtue for the past nine years, guarding the deficit creep like a hawk. They never gave two ***** about it till Trump got elected.
  17. Well, I've heard some folks will rub it down with flotation devices to try to improve performance.
  18. Probably because he'd make more money doing the speculative, unproven surgery. That, or he'd get his name in a journal article about his pioneer work.
  19. I'd like all legislators to wear devices that counted their breaths, and have them taxed when they take more than 16 breaths a minute.
  20. Fergy, large sailboats have a wheel - which is fine - if you're into that sort of thing. Smaller sailboats on the other hand have long, sturdy tillers that your first mate can grab by the hand(s) to move the boat and its occupants to and fro as the winds of chance blow through their flowing hair. Just a little word of caution. Make sure you perform all the regular maintenance including regular lubrication of all fittings and moving parts. It can prevent unnecessary wear and tear and avoid shameful disappointment at what could be critical times that were really meant for enjoyment.
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