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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. “Just give it to them.” The “Tuck” rule. 8 Pick plays by their receivers every game. Spygate Opponents’ Headphone interference @ Gillette Deflategate Brady uncannily “knowing” where the open receiver is on every play almost as though his helmet speakers weren’t turned off at all. !@#$ the Pats. And, double !@#$ their bandwagon fans.
  2. You’d get sued and lost your house.
  3. Yeah, it would be hard living with ourselves if we “backed in” to the playoffs. Some fans of teams that did that actually committed suicide.
  4. That game and his choking to the throat sign he made at Norwood when he was a Jests coach stick out in my mind as the two rankest Carroll memories I have about that douche bag. He had the Pats*** go for 2 when The Bills walked off the field in protest for that abortion of a call.
  5. I know. But I’ve seen enough of him the last few months to know he’s pushing an agenda that has no use for Trump.
  6. I know. I know! They could get James Taylor to sing to them... in PERSON!
  7. Look for Franken to be Lieawatha's running mate in 2020. It'll be the tom-tom and diaper ticket.
  8. We live in a different time now. Stockman is a Never-Trumper and like Bloomberg's droids, doesn't miss a chance to throw him and what he's trying to accomplish under the bus. What Stockman doesn't seem to incorporate into his 40 year old calculus is the vast middle class that now exists in Asia (which didn't in his heyday). It's not going away. They're an enormous consumer market that while they embrace socialism, will never return to communism and the farms. That era is over.
  9. Attention everyone. Looks like Tibs is going to rename hisself "Treason" Or how Tilden got hosed by Hayes.
  10. I think the Muller investigation should be extended to include the activities of Ralph Nader in the 2000 election. His influence and drain on Democrat votes cost AlGore the election to W. Then again, let's not forget about H. Ross Perot's laser-like hatred for G. H. W. Bush which cost him the race against Slick Willy. FORWARD!!!
  11. "According to her biography posted on the website, Baber teaches language and literature, writing and speech communication." Oral communication was one of her specialties.
  12. Should have a flash purple paint bomb in them.
  13. Get an RV and go live off the grid. Make sure it has a solar panel so you get free electricity and that it has self-contained water and a sewer system. You can live rent free at RV parks all across the nation and they don't even charge you for air!
  14. :spitscoffeeonscreen: (Just having reread Six Days of the Condor) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Greg. Remember what they say though. Once you go dark, you never go... Aw, never mind. Good hunting.
  15. Congrats! I married above my station. Wife is an RN from U of R. She had a great career and only 1/3 of it was in direct patient care. There are a LOT of opportunities for RNs in the healthcare industry. It is a vast industry. Best wishes for her and her career. You must be a proud papa.
  16. Xylac (an antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia)
  17. It takes a big dog to weigh a ton.
  18. Uhm, I'm not really sure. I think I had it hidden somewhere under a pile of papers with a paperclip on top. It used to be Otto matic - finding things like this. You know - who flew with Hanna and where. How DID Mussolini get off that mountaintop, and what happened to that pilot?
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