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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. "Storch has a track record of supporting whistleblowers, having served as chairman of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Whistleblower Ombudsman Working Group, which established the Whistleblower Ombudsperson program. Prior to his confirmation, Storch served as deputy inspector general at the Justice Department and a federal prosecutor." Bricks be a-shittin' at the NSA.
  2. The last person to tackle the great entitlement of FDR - Social Security was Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. We need someone like that to step up now because it's entitlements like this that are what is driving our deficits. He pushed back the full retirement age in stages and adjusted the rates. That worked for a time, but further increases in claims that were never a part of the original law have further burdened the system so that it is unsustainable as currently structured. Dems will whine and shout about killing grandma and grandpa, but they're living twenty to thirty years longer on average (shooting from the hip here) than they did back in the 40s and 50s. SS was never meant to be the sole retirement plan for all Americans. It was a hedge against becoming destitute in one's old age. It was built for a different time than what we live in. My mother-in-law was in the WAVES for about 18 months in WWII. Then she worked for about 2 1/2 years as a secretary in a brokerage office. Then she quit, got married, had kids, and never worked at a job (other than mother and housewife) for the rest of her life. She started collecting SS payments when she was 65 up to and until she died at age 84. She probably paid a few hundred dollars at most into the system, and yet got back tens of thousands in return.
  3. Oh, I remember that all too well. I got an Emmy for writing the cliff notes to that.
  4. The Left is more obtuse and self-unaware than the poster I have on ignore.
  5. This turd bucket of humanity is the latest incarnation of hogboy. Nothing more
  6. He is the one and only poster I’ve put on ignore in over a decade. He is the most worthless asshat that has ever found it’s way here. He is a net negative, worse than useless, narcissistic **** whose posts add nothing to the general discourse here. He thinks he’s hip. I think he’s a **** that doesn’t care about anything other than himself. I get it. He’s playing the role of BM in “What About Bob” but it isn’t funny. It’s sad and sick.
  7. This is the correct answer. Bailing out a half pint reservoir ten thousand times a day with an electrically activated thimble isn’t a smart way to go. IMHO.
  8. But since Eero Saarinen is gone, who we gonna get to design the new one? Frank Goldberg might be available, but he’s getting up there in age.
  9. Elon John? So he's not going to build a solar roof shingle plant in Buffalo, he's going to do it in NK?
  10. McCabe should be fired and not allowed to collect his 100% pension. He's "retiring" like Al Frankenstein is "stepping down".
  11. She's a lawyer too - a prosecuting attorney for LA and San Francisco. And, she was the First Lady of San Francisco (when married to Newsome as Wacka noted above). She graduated magna cum laude from UC Davis and is a fan of Howard Stern. Which of the above two facts stated in the last sentence do you believe will make Westernasshat change his opinion of her and say she's "smart"?
  12. Hope he comes back. Golf is boring without him. It's like what boxing became without Ali.
  13. Yet to me, his greatest achievement ever was he kept Hillary out of the White House. Add that to the 81 and then add these: He beat the Bush family machine. He beat the Clinton family machine. He beat the Democrat establishment machine. He beat the Republican establishment machine. No small feat any of those, I'd say.
  14. Comey is a rat and he could have said anything to his colleagues. It doesn't mean what he said is actually what went down.
  15. We enjoy many "freedoms" in this country. Most are codified in The Constitution and its amendments. Conservatives and Libertarians are very conscious of these individual and collective freedoms and strive to protect them. Thus, "fighting for our freedom" isn't just about keeping us all from being conquered by a foreign power.
  16. Mmmmmmmm! Pizza! Hope you never run out.
  17. Or, Occam’s Shaver as some here will suggest.
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