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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. "Other intel shows that senior regime officials have already fled #Iran on unmarked jets" Just like the Ayatollah Kakamamaeme did when he went to gay Paris.
  2. I feel like I'm watching a rerun of True Detectives Season 1.
  3. 1. Hogboy will continue posting here under new guises. 2. Nah. You know the Left will just say anything is okay between consenting adults, or a consenting adult and a child who doesn't know what consenting is other than taking a "free" ride in a car/truck/van, or some candy/dope/crack. The Left is bereft of morals.
  4. Chops open hand to the neck several times, and says, C'ya. FU Pete.
  5. Just returned from visiting Hoboken and we went over the newly opened (to us) wing of the new Tappan Zee bridge. It’ll be eight lanes in each direction by the time the second wing is finished. Very impressive. It rivals some of the bridges and highways we saw in China. Has Cuomo figured out how to pay for it yet? Where is the NJ approach going to be located, and where does it dump out in Manhattan? It will be built now that the goobenor in NJ is a Democrat. It’ll be part of the great bipartisan leap forward and a hallmark of the great debt forgetfulness of his first term. “The Trump Tunnel” has quite a ring to it - no? Sounds better on the ear than the Frank R. Lautenberg Seacaucus train station. Oh these political monuments!
  6. A British look at Immigration points systems: Immigration points systems compared.
  7. Chris Christie killed that tunnel about five years ago IIRC. He said NJ doesn’t have the money to pay for it. It’s called fiscal responsibility, Alf.
  8. There are a few of those TBDisms you might encounter once in awhile. Maroon - as in, You’re such a maroon - was very popular for some time. Though it took Aussiew and CGF a bit to catch on. It drove ‘em nuts at first.
  9. He loves Democrats no matter what they do. That's pretty much it.
  10. Looks like westerndecline has a new handle. Oh, for joy.
  11. That's what the Coast Guard does - it protects the coastline of the homeland.
  12. I’m in favor of immigration reform that includes the elimination of “chain” and “lottery“ provisions that are currently in force. We we need immigrants to keep our country and economy growing. In 1986 Reagan provided amnesty to about three million “illegals” with the proviso that it would be the final time that the rules would be bent. But we all know what happened. Trump is on record as saying he’s open to a DACA deal but only if The Wall gets funded and built, as well as ending the chain and lottery provisions. I’m in favor of adopting an immigration policy that is similar to that which the Canadians have in force. They also have a refugee immigration status provision, and their point system has recently been less favored than if applicants have a bonafide employment offer. The US used to have similar requirements for immigration. People had to have a sponsor and a job before they were allowed to immigrate. Do you think building The Wall is a reasonable exchange for doing a DACA deal?
  13. And that was AFTER it had been scrubbed by the CDC in Atlanta.
  14. Easy now. My wife has been to that Turkish prison. Yes... THAT Turkish prison. They turned it into a hotel. It's a tourist destination now.
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