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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, if they just cut Guam out of that it would be a significant relief for Representative Starkist from Kalifornya. She could fast-track all the Leftist special grievances through there.
  2. Not collusion? NOT collusion? NOT COLLUSION? WTF have you and the #Resistance been saying for the past 14 months? Conspiracy my azz. There's more evidence of collusion AND conspiracy that the Dems, Hillary's campaign, the Clinton Foundation, the Podestas, Fusion GPS, Huma Habadabadabin, Debbie Syphilis-Test Schultz interfered with the free election process in 2016.
  3. Time for Mr. Sessions to sack up and get an IC into the DOJ and his FBI's stonewalling of this Constitutionally provided oversight by the Congress. They would all take place in closed door meetings, so we're certain nothing will leak out because it will all be bad for the Dems and Schiff will (for once) not leak a thing to his reporter friends while the sessions are underway.
  4. So 9 wins is enough already? Enough's enough? WTF? The most success this team's had in 17 years and you're all poopie diapers about it. What a fan!
  5. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, yes. The Browns will go 0-16.
  6. So, does their training camp remain in Pittsford now?
  7. Just added my contribution. It's great to be a Bills fan today.
  8. Lest we forget, Tim Tebow was a Playoff Quarterback who actually led the Broncos to a victory over Pittsburgh. I don't hate Tyrod, and I wish him the best, but unless he runs the tables this year, I don't see him as the #1 guy in Buffalo for the foreseeable future. He'd be great as a backup and holding down the fort until a new drafted QB learns the ropes.
  9. True dat. The sound of the vacuum cleaner they’re pushing through the house drowns out the sound from MSNBC’s coverage of the events. And then they have laundry to clean and fold and put away and then there’s making dinner and getting lunches packed for the next day and the list of their duties just goes on and on. Plus they have to work 60 hour weeks at jobs that pay half what a man earns and don’t forget getting the kids to and from dancing lessons and soccer practice and games.
  10. How about a, "I'm not happy until you're not happy" category. Tibs and Gringo would be in the running.
  11. Yep — WHOOPS! Those are actually pro-government supporters. CNN corrected itself — BADLY — in a response a few hours later: And maybe CNN can let us know what’s a “PRO-GOVERNMENT PROTEST”?...... . Well, obviously it's like the Occupy movement here in the US. They love their government so much they want more of it and will take to the streets to get it.
  12. David Sampson? If that's who you mean, I think it was more than a little "preferential treatment" from United. They created a new route (okay, they resurrected a vacated route) just for him so he could travel back and forth from Newark to his vacation home in Columbia, SC. He was the only person on most of those flights. United should have been prosecuted for their end in that bribery.
  13. How many African American families have the same last name as you Tibs?
  14. The Portal Bridge. I was delayed many times on the commute into and out of The City by fires and switch problems that very spot caused. It would be great theatre if they built a high speed capable bridge alongside that old wreck, but made the Seacaucus traffic take the old girl track. But The Builder from Queens will be bipartisan and allow the Trump Track to go over the Trump Bridge to stop at the F. R. Lautenberg Seacaucus station.
  15. Can we get a Mod to step up here and stop this ****-anity?
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