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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I think his giddy-up TD celebration across the width of the end zone was pretty cool.
  2. This is an automated response. Please change the thread title. It is not longer Global Warming Climate Change, it is now a full blown Climate Crisis. thank you
  3. it's just political theatre. In two years Trump will announce he's naming Bannon as his running mate.
  4. PICNIC... Problem In Chair Not In Computer.
  5. So THAT’S how he got that nasty case of spinal vaginitis. It’s all becoming more clear now. Hopefully so is his urine.
  6. Trump owns world-class golf courses and he plays them regularly. Obama owns world-class idiots and he plays them regularly.
  7. So, reports of golden showers that were a part of the dossier from "Mr. Steele’s sources in Russia (who were not paid) reported on an extensive — and now confirmed — effort by the Kremlin to help elect Mr. Trump president. Yeah, that really raised his standing in the national polls. You dummy.
  8. But it was Obama's giving them all that cash in unmarked bills that allowed the Mullahs to leave the country in unmarked planes in the dead of night. [/tibs#resistatallcosts]
  9. Dalton and his wife are to be commended. It's a fluke that this happened in such a way that this player's charity got such a benefit. There are lots of great charities to donate to, but this is a very special event. Glad it's continuing to turn out so well for them.
  10. Nope. Cheers to The Bills and to Andy Dalton. Thumbs down to the NFL players who take a knee during our National Anthem. I am done with the NFL. Who said I watched that game, or that I'll watch any other. I haven't seen a SB in over three years. Does that ring your bell?
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