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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He thinks if he believes a lie, then it’s not a lie. what a gavone.
  2. That does somewhat shadow the ethos of 2016 when People elected Trump while holding their nose because they detested the autocratic hideous shrewIsh worm slime ball that was the alternative. However this time their incessant drumbeating mirrors a four year long Nuremberg rally of brainwashed leftist storm trooper NPCs determined to bring their new green final solution to the world. Heil Hillary!
  3. The issue as I see it is the unequal treatment of the accusers in the media. Ford didn’t remember the date, time, place, attendees, how she got home, and never said anything to anyone until her CIA backed family saw an opportunity to pounce! “Without evidence” on a Republican SCOTUS Nominee. Reade on the other hand does have some contemporaneous evidence that Joey Fingers abused her in the grand Democrat tradition of the Kennedys, Chris Dodd, and Harvey Weinstein. Drink from the troth of spittle and sperm that you are predicated to. And drink to your health. COVID-19 is watching.
  4. We’ve been through this before. Polio caused a similar panic early on in the last century.
  5. Well, knowing how he likes to take credit whenever he can, the I, me, mine President B O probably did pen a letter claiming that.
  6. Who has the more glossy skin tone?
  7. L I just don’t identify at all. And I’m not the least bit sorry.
  8. Sorry for your loss @MILFHUNTER#518 I’ve lost both my parents too. So I, like many others here, can truly empathize.
  9. I wonder what he’ll do with all the campaign money that he got. A new car? A new vacation home? A lavishly stocked wine cellar perhaps. Maybe all of the above and more. https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/summary?cid=N00031938
  10. It took awhile, but I found an Amici who can explain it.
  11. He’s not. But to be fair, he’s a Notary Public, but he doesn’t know the difference.
  12. George R R. Martin folks. Sorry Pasta Joe. I wasn’t going to spill the beans, but what was forthcoming seemed to be a bi-product of bean consumption.
  13. Winter is Coming...
  14. Mommy Management. “You naughty kittens, you’ve lost your mittens. Now you shall have no pie!”
  15. I think that team that plays its home games in Foxboro did indeed pick him in Round 2.
  16. By the same tribes that names Greenland of course.
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