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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You Trump haters push it way too hard. It’s despicable.
  2. Because reality tv stars make such great politicians.
  3. And when it doesn’t, it’ll all be because of you Tibs. Then we can spend the money on more handouts to the rich.
  4. 1. The Refs are impartial and honest. 2. Instant replay eliminates bad calls on the field. 3. Teams “control their own destiny” only starting in the month of December. 4. The NFL isn’t political. 5. A receiver that catches the ball in bounds and has two feet in bounds has made a reception except when he crosses over the goal line. 6. A runner that has the ball and breaks the plane of the goal line has instantly scored a touchdown, but a receiver who does the same thing has not. He must first complete his celebratory ceremony and autograph the ball and give it to the Ref as a souvenir for his kid before said Ref will signal “TD”. Even then, it could e overturned by the replay official in NY. 7. People who are pissed at the players protesting the anthem are losers. 8. The NFL caters to its fans. 9. Owners and players aren’t greedy. 10. The Bills fans are the most football knowledgeable in the world.
  5. I'll admit you're a complete fraud. Except, perhaps you're not. You might actually believe the **** you come here spouting day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute.
  6. Has it been paid for yet? Jumping the gun is your strong suit, I know.
  7. Maybe we can throw some of you guys over it.
  8. And Tibs/Gatortard/WesternDecline has a new log in. Obviously.
  9. snafu my friend, you are so right. WRT Congresscritters resigning, I'd be shocked if Jason Chaffetz were to be swept up in the kiddy porn human trafficking scandal that's about to become the next **** storm. Gentleman Johnny McCain... not so much. Indeed we do. Indeed we do. Who among us would really be surprised if Trump gets Rocket Man to travel to Doral for a few rounds of "friendly" golf and talks. The media would be hemorrhaging blood simultaneously from all their offices. Just for you...
  10. Okay. I’ll bite. Who’s board is he going to crash?
  11. No doubt they both smoke a lot of those too.
  12. I wonder if Grassley and Graham will bother to have their Steele document completely retyped, or just have their secretary change the name to Michael Wolff before they email it over to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
  13. She puts up with us. And keeps smiling.
  14. It is the cruelest of fates for parents to have to bury a child. I can’t imagine the heartbreak. I recall all when Augie came here and revealed the trouble their son was in. It sounded as though he was getting better. That’s nearly always a tenuous thing when talking about addiction though. That demon has struck on both sides of my family. I know how it can devastate. My my condolences to the parents and family.
  15. Tangential to this is Trump’s cutting off aid to the Palestinians. I heard Ran Paul opining on this and it made sense to me. We give hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians every year. And in return they refuse to join in peace talks with Israel. But it is the Israelis who ask us to give the Palestinians the money. Paul says, it’s Israel’s burden and they should pony up the bucks to the Palestinians. Im sure Justice will chime in soon.
  16. Let the investigation go where it will. . We’ll, if it’s anything like the Muller investigation, I’d take book that it will end up investigating Andrew Cuomo and Jon Corzine for their involvement with the financial collapse of 2008.
  17. I know! I know! It’s somewhere way back there and they have “Top Men” working there.
  18. For the record: Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001 makes it a crime to: 1) knowingly and willfully; 2) make any materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation; 3) in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the United States.
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