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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yes. A little known provision in the bill is that it absolutely precludes any future Congress to amend the tax code. So there. It’s written in stone. No more tax break for you!
  2. I will not defend his language but I have to ask, how many Haitians do we need to import every year? What’s a reasonable number? Should they have any qualifications or should we just let them pour in? Do you think the lottery is a good thing for America and a reasonable way to allot immigration quotas? I think it’s absurd as is the chain migration that allows cousins etc to enter the country in preference to others. I also dont don’t think it’s our job to clean up Haiti. It’s not going to happen anyway. I gave a lot of money to the Haitian relief effort and I have zero assurance that any of it was used to help anyone there except to line the pockets of the local authorities.
  3. Almost no one is guaranteed a job for life.
  4. Time was when the loyal opposition was loyal to the country and its principles. Now they behave like their waging war from the Führerbunker. And yes, Leftists are Demi-Nazis.
  5. Why did the Obama administration allow a Russian FSB agent to get a visa to enter the country?
  6. The media is so moronic. They magnify his Tweets and amplify his message. The media is so moronic. They magnify his Tweets and amplify his message. People say Trump should stop tweeting. Well, the Media should stop covering his Tweets. I've never seen nor heard one read except for the coverage in the Media. I don't follow the man on Twitter.
  7. Well, there was only one desk higher than hers... "The translator has been identified as Anatoli Samochornov, who a State Department spokesperson confirmed has done contract work for them. Samochornov is not a State Department employee, the spokesperson said, but has worked with the State Department's Office of Language Services as an interpreter. Samochornov also helped the State Department implement exchange programs when he was working for Meridian International, a nonprofit that has a cooperative agreement with the State Department. The Meridian contract under which Samochornov worked to support State Department-sponsored exchanges expired at the end of the fiscal year 2016." But of course, he did a little bit of work prior to that. Russian Translator At Donald Trump Jr. Meeting Worked With FBI While Special Counsel Robert Mueller Was FBI Director
  8. “According to the Associated Press, the action was aimed at management conducting illegal hiring practices more than at undocumented workers.” Why would anyone have have a problem with that?
  9. Says here that TT's cap hit would be $3.1mm if he's a post June 1st cut.
  10. I dunno. I'm still quite partial to this other find by Just Jack:
  11. He probably does have a large posterior.
  12. Why did Preet Bahrara sign off on a visa for Natalia Veselnitskaya so she could enter the US and meet with Trump campaign officials? Just doing Loretta Lynch’s bidding? After all, she lobbied the State Department to get the visa for her.
  13. Chop suey. Whats next? You gonna tell us that chicken tikka masala was a British invention?
  14. I’ve got better things to do on Sundays than sit on my ass watching that crap. I used to watch at least 3 games a week when I lived in Rochester. Now I don’t watch at all. The same thing happened with MLB after the strike that resulted in the cancellation of the World Series. I haven’t watched a baseball game on TV since. It’s dead to me.
  15. Yeah, Fox News and MSLSD and CNN have video of it playing right now. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of unruly protesters are in the streets, turning over police cars, burning stores, looting (big screen TVs are a prized item), and some have even dressed up in giant penis and scrotum costumes. They’re just going nuts!
  16. Sorry. A bit late to the party, but I just want to say I appreciate our law enforcement officers. They keep us safe and put their lives on the line daily. (With the one exception of the NJ State Trooper who pulled me over and gave me a speeding ticket about 20 years ago. I wasn’t the one speeding. The white Jeep was. Hope he’s retired. )
  17. Just read your and B-Man’s posts in the Media/Trump thread and I could not agree more. Just heard that FGPS claims someone was killed because of the T dossier. Been moving around too much today to read everything. But Feinstein might be in hot water.
  18. Had to click twice to make sure I didn’t hit the wrong link on my phone.
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