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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Since moving to the new house, it's been strange. We put out a feeder - but no birds. That's odd, because we live in an area that was a forest and there still is a lot of trees all around us. We just haven't seen many birds this winter. A few came by into the yard, but none went to the feeder. Then about a week ago, during the Jan thaw a flock of mixed species descended upon the yard. About six bluebirds, Juncos, sparrows, Titmouse, and a few others hung out for a day. WRT Goldfinches - the males don't change color until spring. And, they like thistle seed. Those are best put into a special feeder.
  2. Well, we have no choice in the matter. He is the new OC. Let's see how it plays out.
  3. You mean there actually were missles flying overhead? Call the state authorities. They’ll know what to do. Government knows best!
  4. Can we at least get him to reimburse the country for the jets he crashed?
  5. Dens overplayed their hand and Trump simply kicked them in the balls - (the US Chamber of Commerce ball-licking Lyndsay Graham too). There will be no DACA deal now. There will be a shutdown. There will be war with North Korea. The PATS*** will win the SB this year. That at is all.
  6. Fergy, obviously you’re getting it, but I think you’re missing the obviously hidden secret gem in his tree. You remember the secretary that he was rude to at OBD? We’ll, that could be our next OC right there and she could start right away obviously. No need to go outside the organization. It’s like St. Doug never left us. What a coupe dee tot!
  7. And I’m sure you’ve just made a good friend in SDS.
  8. I hate autocorrect. I’m typing on my phone. But mea culpa for not proofreading it. He honestly did say that. And I still have one of his autographs. The other one is on a tiny toy football that I’ve misplaced somewhere in our move to Cape Cod.
  9. One move to go. Black queen will move to the far right and it’s checkmate.
  10. I met Don Shula a few years ago at a work party where he was the guest speaker. He signed autographs for who ever wanted them. I got two and he signs them “Don Shula HOF ‘97”. I told him, “ I have to tell you that I’m a Buffalo Bills fan. And you had great success against them”. He chuckled and replied, “Yeah, until they brought Marc Levy in.” I could tell he was really upset by Levy’s Bills success against him. It warmed my heart. That said I don’t want his son to be our OC. The joo-joo would not be good.
  11. Side note: I saw them when they were still together and this was their big hit. They brought the house down. One of the most incredible performances I’ve ever seen. Im getting my popcorn ready.
  12. I hope that it will be at least as entertaining as this at the part where the Ikettes cut loose.
  13. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/cap/ $8 million hit to the cap if cut, goes down to $3m if cut after June 1st.
  14. They all come from shithole countries and Trump doesn’t want their kind coming into the country anymore.
  15. Why in the name of common sense would The Bills cut Tyrod now and take an $8 million cap hit when they would take a $3 million cap hit if they cut him after June 1st?
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