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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Already has happened to some extent. Hundreds of movie star millionaires have “permanent” residency in states like Idaho to avoid the CA state taxes. Of course they “visit” their California “vacation “ home(s) for months at a time. !@#$ing hypocrites.
  2. US Jobless Claims Plunge to Lowest Weekly Tally Since 1973
  3. I’m not sure how much of this prissy mincing little douche bag that the electorate will tolerate. Oh, it’ll have some Fowler’s - and ardent ones at that. But turds like this should be sent down a shithole, not celebrated like B O did.
  4. You win the Intarwebs Juranimo. What is that three times this week already?
  5. What? You never saw Star Wars? Why, Jobba the Pizza Hut fed on everything... even Eddie Fisher’s girl.
  6. The obvious answer is, obviously - if the dog licks the plates... what the hell do you need a dishwasher for?
  7. It’s a recipe for Instant Retatta.
  8. The Federal Reserve is that part of the government that is held back - in “reserve” until such time as the Leftists take complete control of the government. Then it will be brought out and used to completely control all aspects of our lives.
  9. Sadly, her father Webb couldn’t make it to her wedding. Welcome back LA.
  10. But he didn’t do it. Somebody else made it happen.
  11. I can hear it now... Accepting the grand prize award in the category: Most Salacious Fake News Story of 2017 is Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper. Wonder what other categories there are. Worst Morning Show - Minka and Jackass. Worst Primetime Show - Rachael Madcow. Most obvious Clinton/DNC shill - George Stuffapoleupmearse.
  12. Gee. You say that like they’re bad things. Those are his triumphs.
  13. Now looking forward to the President calling Tennessee a “Mularkey Hole”.
  14. JUNQ - Journal of Unsolved Questions; Juxtanuclear Quality Control
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